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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twilight Princess HD: The Tantalus Conspiracy

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Did Nintendo knowingly lie about the intended release window for Zelda Wii U?

My Nintendo would never do such a thing 14 19.44%
How dare you 6 8.33%
Yeah probably 35 48.61%
You really think Nintendo would do that? 12 16.67%
Just go on the Game Awards and tell lies? 5 6.94%

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SpokenTruth said:

The beginning development date for a game is never indicative of the initial development process. They could have agreed upon and signed a contract for TP HD back in 2011 for all we know.  I don't, you don't, none of us do.  I don't know why either game was delayed beyond their interview given release windows.  I don't, you don't, none of us do.  This speculation is silly.  

The delay in anything from a previous game can affect upcoming games.  They (Straight Right) just ported Zombi to PS4/Xone/Windows.  Who knows how much of an impact that development had on TP HD.  We don't. 

Far more likely that a thousand other factors came into play that not a single one of us know about than to suggest that they intentionally lied to us.

Not knowing something with certainty is the root of all speculation. It's natural to speculate about an absence of information. You might as well say any and all speculation is silly and no one should ever speculate about anything. Check the bolded, you're missing the point. This proves that the development of TPHD began before the Game Awards appearance at which Aonuma insisted Zelda Wii U would be released this year. I know that, you do, we all do.

The fact alone that you say none of us knows why Zelda Wii U was delayed after Aonuma himself explained why it was delayed shows that you either haven't been keeping up with its development or that you don't accept his stories at face value either. If you're willing to entertain the notion that he lied about the reason for its delay, why balk at the suggestion that he lied about the projected release date to begin with?

SpokenTruth said:

I was referring to Tantalus.  That's pretty clear given who I had been talking about and the fact you claim TP HD was delayed.

You said, "I don't know why either game was delayed."

TPHD was absolutely delayed, since the CEO of Tantalus claimed earlier this year that it would release in 2015 while we now know that it isn't coming until March 2016, but that was never part of my argument so I don't know why you bring it up. The planned 2015 release of TPHD is the key to this whole idea, the delay (of TPHD) is immaterial.

SpokenTruth said:

Actually, it proves my point.  You don't know why it was delayed yet it was.   Is it relevant?  We don't know.  So speculation is just sits there on a plateau of unfounded reason.

Zelda Wii U was delayed for 2 reasons.  New ideas and Zelda 30 anniversary.   The idea that the delay was intentional from the start is asinine and holds no reason, calulation or value other than a thread with losts of posts.  

What value do they gain from lying about the launch year from the start?  None. 

Why do you want to stamp out all attempts to speculate? What did speculation ever do to you?

Claiming Zelda Wii U was delayed for the 30th anniversary is funny since Nintendo has known the exact date of the 30th anniversary for the past 29 years. Suddenly this past spring they remembered that it's next year and decided to delay it? Why do you now claim to know why the game was delayed when three posts ago you said no one knows why it was delayed?

Nintendo actually gained a lot by lying about the release date. Just think about the situation they were in at E3 2014 and what their alternatives were. Don't show Zelda at all? Admit then and there that it's a 2016 project? Either of these would have significantly hurt their momentum. The way they played things, they came out of E3 that year with a load of positive press and the Zelda footage was a big part of that. Probably the biggest part, since without it their biggest reveal would have been Splatoon. And they went into last Holiday season able to tell new Wii U owners that Zelda was coming pretty soon (a message they repeated leading into this Holiday). When they revealed the game, it was a year and a half away from release. When they announced the delay, it was a year and a half away from release. The game hasn't been further than ~18 months away since it was first shown. Zelda is a carrot hanging from a stick, enticing Wii U owners to hold onto their systems for just another 12-18 months.

As a side note I really don't give a shit about Vgchartz points or whatever, or getting a lot of posts in my threads. My threads rarely exceed 3-4 pages, and this one will be no different. At this point though you're the only person keeping it alive, if you feel like you're rewarding me for bad behavior we can just continue this discussion in messages or wall posts.

The idea that 2016 was always the planned release date for Zelda Wii U came from a couple of very straightforward observations. Twilight Princess HD began development before Zelda Wii U was revealed. Twilight Princess HD was planned for a 2015 (but not early 2015) release within a couple of months of the Game Awards footage, well before the delay of Zelda Wii U was announced. The obvious conclusion would be that the "delay" had already been decided upon by the time TPHD was aiming for a mid-late 2015 release.

Hm, I had another idea...
That amiibo functionality between TPHD and Zelda Wii U makes me think that they delayed TPHD because of the Zelda Wii U delay. Marketing that functionality would be weird if the games were a year apart.

TPHD could be meant as a warmup for Zelda Wii U, maybe even with a demo. If Nintendo thought that TPHD itself was a huge deal they would have released it for the holiday season.

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Falls in line with my prediction. They have lied about Zelda a lot of times, so no surprise if they planned this since E3 2014 or before with those abysmal Wii U sales.

They promised us we won't have to wait until the Wii release to play Twilight Princess on GameCube, and we know how that ended...

I agree with you OP. And I wouldn't even be surprised if next year they do a PR where they explain why the Wii U was not capable of their "vision" and had to move entirely to the successor. Nintendo likes to lie a lot.

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Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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