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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Super Mario 3D World is much, much, much better than Super Mario Galaxy


What would you rather beat?

Super Mario 3D World 78 40.63%
Super Mario Galaxy 86 44.79%
Ka-pi96 18 9.38%
Scoreboard 10 5.21%

I agree. For me, the Star Collecting games are games that you play once. Once you've seen the awesome new mechanics, it takes a playthrough to get tired of them. I could play the 3D "area" game style for hours on end. It's more like the 2D titles translated in 3D. But to each his own.

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I think Galaxy 1/2 and 3D World are the pinnacle of 3d Mario and are much, much better than 64 and Sunshine. Still, I could see someone preferring Galaxy over 3D World and vice versa, but I cannot understand how either 64 or Sunshine are better than them (and I still own my original launch day copy of SM64, but that game has aged so so poorly). 


Oh boy here we go...

But I do agree with you to some extent Rol. While I think Galaxy is a fine game, when you look back on it it's a fairly straightforward and linear game. 64 and Sunshine, while being older games, seemed to offer more chances to explore and basically let you obtain the Stars (or Shines) in almost (key word: almost) any order.

3D World on the hand offers more chances for exploration like you mentioned with collectibles and the ability to basically roam freely in the level (instead of being shot from planet to planet).
If I had to pin it down I think a reason why people consider 3D World "not a real 3D Mario game" is because the main goal of each level is to get to the goal flag (like in the 2D games) and people feel the levels are too short or whatnot.

All in all, both games are great and it confuses me how people feel the need to place one over the other.

Mike321 said:
Super Mario Sunshine is better than both Galaxy and 3D world

Hurray for the Sunshine love.. TwT

I don't understand why both of these games are disliked in general. Sunshine is basically Mario 64, but improved and you have an awesome water device that let's you hover, blast off, and go FAST! 3D World is like... Mario 2, but 3D and MP. That's awesome!!! I've wanted a 3D MP Mario for years, and when we get one, people hate on it. I'll never understand.


Anyways, funny way to explain why 3D World is better than Galaxy, but good points nonetheless. Galaxy does have that awe factor in it, so there is that. It's fun and challenging, but for some reason I just fell out of it...



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3D World is incredibly repetitive. The incentive to keep playing is just more collectibles to unlock more levels that are just re-skins of the old levels. At least that's how I felt once I finished it.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

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I think the problem is that people do not see the game as a step forward in ambition. The game goes backward in music and the graphics do not seem to be a big step up from the last one. The game may be more fun to play but Galaxy feels like an adventure. I think most people just prefer to play an adventure game on these forums.

I can relate since I played 3D land and was disappointed in what seemed like a lack of ambition. However it was a handheld game so I gave it the benefit of the doubt. However 3D world has no excuse. Galaxy felt new and ambitious. 3D world feels so lame and stale compared to Galaxy. This is why I was disappointed in 3D world back then and I am still disappointed in it now.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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Super Mario 3D World is an excellent game - I had great fun getting the 100% on it and I'm sure it won't be long before I play it again. That said, I had a lot less "Wow" moments with 3D World than with Galaxy, and I guess that's why I'd put the Galaxy games amongst the best of all time where 3D World is just a little behind.

I agree.SMG was overrated and the Wii-mote made it feel clunky to play.I gave it to my nephew and never touched it again.

RolStoppable said:

I'll answer your question if someone is able to translate it from broken English into English.

I believe he meant to ask if you dislike 3D mario, or prefer 2D over 3D but still like it.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Meh. 64 is better than both of 'em anyway...