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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

Well crap, even I just went too far. @_@

Hint for #38:


Around the Network
Smeags said:

#38: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Also, the Lorule Castle theme is awesome.

Great story! And yes, that theme is great, one of the greatest in the series for sure! Did you know a part of it is based on the Hyrule Castle Theme in reverse?

S.Peelman said:
CWegzz said:


Nope, but kind of could have been going by the hint. It's a generation older than Uncharted though.

Is it Mafia?

BraLoD said:

Maybe A Link Between Worlds.... but I'm not really sure about that...

What sort of mind sorcery is this?!

Correct! *bows*

Mr_No said:
S.Peelman said:

Nope, but kind of could have been going by the hint. It's a generation older than Uncharted though.

Is it Mafia?

No, not that one either.

Around the Network
mZuzek said:

#42 - In this game, a kid explores a dangerous world... alone.
#41 - This one has a crazy ending, where an evil doctor suddenly transforms into a green alien, only to then turn back into an evil doctor in some crazy blue room with lights everywhere. I'm still unsure about what exactly happened on that ending, actually.

42: Zelda 1

41: Mega Man 2

I think.

One hint doesn't seem to cut it, time for hint number 2. It's not a hugely popular or mainstream game, but it should be known well enough here for someone to get it:

It is quite obvious that this game takes much inspiration from a certain famous (unrelated) movie franchise's early years, while also applying every cliche in the book about the depicted era and the type of story.

Hint 2: There's one big difference with the movie franchise though: Instead of a male lead, a male who pretty much every other male wants to be, there's actually a female lead (the player) in this game.

This game has one of the highest Metacritic scores and has been remade quite a number of times even in 3D

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uran10 said:
This game has one of the highest Metacritic scores and has been remade quite a number of times even in 3D

Ocarina of time.

Mr_No said:
uran10 said:
This game has one of the highest Metacritic scores and has been remade quite a number of times even in 3D

Ocarina of time.


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