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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

mZuzek said:
I know I'm ahead of schedule by 1 day, but I'm just trying to make sure I keep up. You never know when life won't let you post here in some random day, especially around the holidays like this. So:

#9 - This game was the first entry in its franchise in 8 years and the first in the series to be in 3D.

Metroid Prime.

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#10: Resident Evil 4


Resident Evil 4 is probably going to end up in the top 10 games when I finally finish compiling everyone's list (and no, I'm not even halfway done counting yet so it's just a hunch). And it will do so because it's one of those games that revolutionized the industry, and has impacted it ever since its release in early 2005. It breathed new life into a series that was beginning to show its age and lack of growth. And it didn't just breathe new life into its own series, but the entire genre that it was a part of. But while being innovative and groundbreaking are all fine and dandy, the fact remains that Resident Evil 4 is a brilliant game. The tension, the controls, the pace, the bosses, the fear, the cheese-tastic one liners... it all comes together to create a game that sits atop of the mountain when it comes to design, ideas, and overall greatness. So with my top 10, I introduce a game that deserves all the praise it has earned over these last 10 years.

These are the guys who haven't given me their full numbered lists yet:

  • UltraShroomz
  • Slade6Alpha
  • Mr.PlayStation
  • Shinobi-San
  • RavenXtra
  • Luke888
  • Episteme
  • ConeGamer
  • 2Quick
  • OutlawAuron
  • Nikkom
  • BigTakilla
  • Teeqoz
  • Augen
  • Celador
  • SpurgeonRyan
  • B00moscone
  • Jason1637
  • PoliwrathLord
  • Wonktonodi
  • Natsu
  • Roronaa_Chan
  • PlayMatt
  • LipeJJ
  • SkullWaker
  • SoulFly666
  • TheProf00
  • Carl2291
  • Gooch_Destroyer
  • Miguel_Zorro
  • Zappykins
  • Morenoingrato
  • Kyuu
  • Edwardoo
  • Nicklesbe
  • KeyBladeWielder
  • RedInker
  • KenDonBellDon
  • TK14
  • IveyBoi
  • TsoGud

You all have my permission to pester them into giving me their full numbered lists. Especially the mods and ambassadors.

Smeags doing some public shaming!

Signature goes here!

BasilZero said:

I dont think I'll be lasting very long here with whats been happening lately so I'm just gonna go ahead and give ya'll the clues for #9 to #1


1. This game has a unique dark and gritty atmosphere and story compared to the rest of the franchise
2. The first official spinoff of the series that isnt actually tied to any other series
3. The game's genre is different from the rest of the series before its release

1. This game never made it out of Japan
2. This game consists of 6 playable characters which depending on who you choose affects events and the ending of the game
3. Its prequel was released on the Nintendo DS

1. This game was a unique collabration between two companies that no one expected to come together to create a game
2. This is the first time in which both the main protagonist and main antagonist of the series/franchise came together as part of a team
3. The game's successor ended up becoming a spiritual successor rather than a direct sequel

1. This game along with another game is the only game that has yet to receive a proper port or remaster in its series
2. This game was released very late in the platform that it was released - in fact the successor to the platform it was released on came out before the game was released
3. This game's theme is Love and memories

1. This is the first game in the entire series to have two distinct protagonists but the way the story is narrated and shown there is no actual protagonist
2. This is the first game in the entire series to have a major villain that was successful in accomplishing what he wanted to accomplish plot wise
3. This is the first game in the series to introduce multiplayer

1. This game introduced an iconic character that appeared in later games and its in own games
2. This game also had its own cartoon series
3. This game is considered to be easier than its predecessors

1. Good vs Evil
2. This was a portable game and its sequel/prequel also was on portable
3. This game consists of many heroes and villains in its series

1. There are about eight or so games in this one "game"
2. It includes a remake of the first game in its series
3. This game was remade for the Nintendo DS

1. This game's themes include the following: Time Travel and Apocalypse/End of the World
2. Dragon Ball Z
3. I recorded this game for my youtube channel :)!


#9 - Majora's Mask?

#7 - Super Mario RPG

#6 - Final Fantasy IX?

#5 - I want to say Final Fantasy VI, but then the multiplayer thing.

#1 - Chrono Trrigger

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BasilZero said:
Clyde32 said:


#9 - Majora's Mask?

#7 - Super Mario RPG

#6 - Final Fantasy IX?

#5 - I want to say Final Fantasy VI, but then the multiplayer thing.

#1 - Chrono Trrigger


No to #9
Yes to #7
Yes to #6
Yes to #5 - Final Fantasy VI for the SNES did have 2 player Multiplayer - I played it with a friend three years ago :)
Yes to #1

Now guess the rest! I'll add a clue to each

1. This game has a unique dark and gritty atmosphere and story compared to the rest of the franchise
2. The first official spinoff of the series that isnt actually tied to any other series
3. The game's genre is different from the rest of the series before its release
4. The game's plot consists of war, tragedy and betrayal

1. This game never made it out of Japan
2. This game consists of 6 playable characters which depending on who you choose affects events and the ending of the game
3. Its prequel was released on the Nintendo DS
4. You can change classes in the game through leveling up

1. This game introduced an iconic character that appeared in later games and its in own games
2. This game also had its own cartoon series
3. This game is considered to be easier than its predecessors
4. This game is often contested/debated between the fanbase with its direct predecessor to be the best 2D iteration of its franchise

1. Good vs Evil
2. This was a portable game and its sequel/prequel also was on portable
3. This game consists of many heroes and villains in its series
4. The game is getting a reboot next year

1. There are about eight or so games in this one "game"
2. It includes a remake of the first game in its series
3. This game was remade for the Nintendo DS
4. The game's mechanics were re-introduced in a later sequel and spawned a spinoff digital only game

#8 Seiken Densetsu 3?

#4 Sonic 3?

11 Hint: A game from a major franchise released and still is exclusive on the PS2 after the 360 was already released.
Hint 2: Had cities full of NPCs to talk to, and the world map was quite large so a fast travel system was put in place
Hint 3: Medieval knights with airships.
10 Hint: A game quickly rising into my top 3, due to fun and time played. This game features 5v5 pvp as its main staple.

The highpoint of the classic 2D Mario platforming series was it's third game; 'Super Mario Bros. 3'. Almost the best 2D platformer in general, every aspect from the tight controls to the precise level-design is so polished that it could barely be any better. Gameplay was tweaked in subsequent ports, but even in it's original release on the Nintendo Entertainment System, control over Mario was so tight, so natural, it might just be the most fluent game you'll ever play.

The smooth gameplay and control is of course just a supplement to the main course, which is the level-design and it's gameplay mechanics like the power-ups and enemy design. All top quality here, and the cleverness of the levels is what makes the game stand out most. The original release is a challenging game, harder than your average new game even though it wasn't anything special back then. The game also has an overworld map with bonuses and extra paths to be found. A feature that would sadly depart from the series after this game's successor, for a very long time. The Super Nintendo release included a save feature and improved graphics.

The game introduced many locales and gameplay elements that would become a mainstay in the rest of the series and I personally remember this Mario game to be the one that mostly resonates with my young gaming life. On NES, me and my cousin used to play either 'Duck Hunt', the black-box 'Soccer', or this.

We're getting to some really unshakeable games now. I would give up all future games for some of the last ones in the list! Among them the next;

Even though the game never explicitly mentions it, I'm pretty sure, considering the year it's set, the theme and the architecture of the buildings, that it's about the glory years of the country I'm from.

#9: A surprisingly good sequel from this duo, in a game titled with a sexual connotation.

Another hint: The main character's voice actor lends his voice to one of the turtles in the animated TMNT movie.