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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

Aokaaay, hint 11...

A bit more exciting, a bit more challenging, a bit more graphic, a bit more colorful, a bit more realistic, a bit more levels, a bit more secrets, a bit more enemies, a bit more threats, a bit more sound, a bit hotter, a bit cooler, a bit more weirder, a bit more revolutionary...



Dance my pretties!

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BraLoD said:
Clyde32 said:
#12 - This game never made it outside Japan.

Seiken Densetsu 3

Another hint - It was released on the Japanese Wii U eshop recently

BraLoD said:
Clyde32 said:

Another hint - It was released on the Japanese Wii U eshop recently


Mother 3



#15. Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

My history with Diablo III is a strange one. When it came out I was decently satisfied with it but the end game proved to be much less addictive than its predecessor. The grind for items was awful and you had to resort to the Auction House to get anything good. The game even left my Top 50 in 2013 because I was bored with it. Everything changed around Reaper of Souls launch when Blizzard realized their mistake and killed the aunction house and introduced Loot 2.0. Finally the search for legendary and set items was fun again and all the subsequent patches after the release of the expansion provided new twists to the game (Paragon Levels, Rifts, Greater Rifts, Seasons, Kanai's Cube, the upcoming Set Dungeons).

In the end, Diablo III is the game I keep returning to constantly, for hours and hours of gaming bliss.

Signature goes here!

#14. Final Fantasy IV (SNES)

While I played and enjoyed the first Final Fantasy game, this is the game that really hooked me into the series. With its memorable characters, incredible soundtrack and fascinating storyline it was unlike anything I had played before. Every character has a distinct personality and fighting style which I really appreciate and contributed to me playing it many times over.

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#13. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (PC)

Much like Final Fantasy II(IV) started my obssession with Final Fantasy. Diablo II was the game that got my into the Diablo series big time. Countless hours spent leveling up dozens of characters (mostly Amazons). The game benefited from amazing support from Blizzard releasing patches years after launch. Also, unlike Diablo III, this game got everything right from the get go and the replay value lasted for years.

Signature goes here!

#12. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Being a huge fan of A Link to the Past, the prospect of another game set in that world was incredibly enticing. Not normally a fan of handhelds, this game is one of the reasons I own a 3DS today. A Link Between Worlds has managed to match my high expectations and exceed them even. This year I replayed the entire game for a second time to see if it held up on a second playthrough and I loved it even more which is why it had moved up on my list inching closer to A Link to the Past who still holds the title of favorite Zelda game.

Signature goes here!

12 Hint: 2nd game in a PS1 exclusive trilogy, Turn based battle.

The highest placed first-person shooter on the list is placed this high for a reason. 'GoldenEye' was of course groundbreaking and it is without a doubt the shooter which I had the most fun with. Sure, time took it's toll on this game, but when judging a personal list of "Greatest Games of All-time", the 'fun-factor' is a big piece of the pie. Usually, games based on movies are terrible, but among them, there's at least one that shines high.

The game consists of a list of levels each with a couple of objectives following the events of the movie, but taking liberties where it helps the gameplay and pacing. The development team took many liberties, and clearly had fun in their process. They even modeled the faces of the enemies after themselves! The single-player takes plenty of time to complete, but the game also includes an amazing multiplayer. This influential mode puts players against each other in a death match in levels based on both GoldenEye as well as other Bond movies.

For the single-player, the game also included the public secret of the cheat codes. Unlike regular cheat codes, most of these were of little real help to the player, but they were fun additions instead like having every character having a big head and long ape-like arms like Donkey Kong or every weapon shooting paintball. My parents used to make me use the paintball cheat, because the thought the reddish stains were too much to see for my young self.

#12: Hard 2D platformer. That's all you need