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#15. Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

My history with Diablo III is a strange one. When it came out I was decently satisfied with it but the end game proved to be much less addictive than its predecessor. The grind for items was awful and you had to resort to the Auction House to get anything good. The game even left my Top 50 in 2013 because I was bored with it. Everything changed around Reaper of Souls launch when Blizzard realized their mistake and killed the aunction house and introduced Loot 2.0. Finally the search for legendary and set items was fun again and all the subsequent patches after the release of the expansion provided new twists to the game (Paragon Levels, Rifts, Greater Rifts, Seasons, Kanai's Cube, the upcoming Set Dungeons).

In the end, Diablo III is the game I keep returning to constantly, for hours and hours of gaming bliss.

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