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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think you have to do to get to Heaven?

lol@Christians spouting about logic, oh the irony

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Whats with all the religious threads these days?? I mean i know the US is a bit overly loving of the whole idea of 'god' but i mean come on... This is a gaming site, not an online church lol

I know BCNR34, its hilarious!

Might as well believe in a flying spaghetti monster in the sky! (damn south park is great :D)

kazadoom said:
Tavin said:
I think it depends of your definition of what heaven is ... and what your religion is ...

Does this not seem illogical to you?  I mean is truth really determined by what someone believes.  So did the people in the Gateway cult go to the spaceship because that was what they believed?  What if I believed that heaven was the moon andI got there by shooting myself in the face?  That makes it true just for me?  This seems very illogical.

 It seems very illogical to most of us. That's why we don't believe in a place called Heaven. But you do because it's your belief. your effectively saying that your beliefs are wrong.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

I don't understand how any person of moderate intelligence who is capable of independent thought can possibly believe in any form of "god"

darwinism/dawkins/evolution/anti-theism/church of the flying spaghetti monster=win


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you got to wonder if some time he is not like this

i mean its one thing not to believe but why hate other for it, or mock them, and such?

i respect you not believing but please show me and my fellows the same resect


totalwar23 said:
kazadoom said:
totalwar23 said:
kazadoom said:
If all we do is die and that is it, then why were we born with a conscience? Why is there something in us that gives us the ability to determine right from wrong? How does something like that just appear? Don't bother with saying it was just taught to us, because if that is the case, then who taught those who taught us, and so on. The ability to know right and wrong sets us apart from all other beings, so why do we have it?

Except for the fact that right and wrong differs from group to group and is determined by the majority of that group. But if you're asking questions, I might as wel, too. The human race, homo sapiens is how old? I don't know, maybe about of couple of ten of thousands of year and that's not including the other homo species that came an went before us. The earth is 4.5 billion years old. How come it took so damn long for us to emerge?

I agree that there are different rights and wrongs for people, but there are an inherent number of those right and wrongs that are found in everyone. Lying, Stealing, Murder, Hate, Adultery. We are born with these things. Do you have kids? Well, no one had to teach my daughter to lie, and for that matter to run and hide when she did because she knew it was wrong without even having to tell her. It is born in us.

You're looking at those standards today. Not to mention I can't count how many times people lie and say "that's all right, it's just  a white lie, it doesn't hurt anyone." You can also find cases of people stealing, killing, (hate? we all do it), and cheating without any sign of guilt. Just look in prisons across the world. But you're aiming for the majority, right? Well, lets go way back when slavery wasn't a sin. They were just considered property. They could be killed, raped, or beaten by their owners and no one would care. Or death duels, where no crimes were committed even if someone died. Or Viking raiders that loot and kill and they would just sail away celebrating their success. Where were their conscience? They were all born with those inherent things. They couldn't tell it was wrong for them to do it?

 Just because there are people that ignore their conscience does not prove that they do not have one.  You pointing these things out proves that you have one.  Where did yours come from?  You are telling me that these people did not know what they were doing was wrong?  How can you say that or even prove it?  People do wrong because we have the freedom to chose to do so, not because they do have a conscience.  If no one has a conscience, then where did our laws come from, who decided one day to determine what was right and wrong and how did he even know?

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

tombi123 said:
kazadoom said:
ph4nt said:
@kazadoom ah the mystery of life.

If we knew the answer to that question we wouldn't need religion.

But anyway, i think just being a good person gets you into heaven, not believing in a certain someone, not going to church or praying or any of tha. Just be a good hearted person.

Who determines the standard by which someone is judged by to tell them if they are good or not, or good enough or not. How can someone even know this?  What does being a good person even mean and how does someone know when they have reached that point? 

 Why are you asking these questions to people on a games forum? Look up the answers on the internet, do some research. Read some books, I know 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins answers those specific questions, why don't you read that?  

1 this is in the off topic discussion
2 So this isn't OK but talking about the moon landing being faked is?
3 If you don't like the thread don't post.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
BCNR34 said:
I don't understand how any person of moderate intelligence who is capable of independent thought can possibly believe in any form of "god"

darwinism/dawkins/evolution/anti-theism/church of the flying spaghetti monster=win



ignorance/arrogance/insults of a person's entire belief system= lose


Dude, There's a difference between discussing your thoughts on religion and just insulting everyone who believes in some form of higher power. 


That's a definite line crossing. Treat your fellow posters with at least some respect. 

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.