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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think you have to do to get to Heaven?

Paul said:
^ I'm pretty sure that the geology department at Liberty University has proven that carbon dating is a hoax created by the Devil to lead us from God's path.

Either that or they just do this whenever it's mentioned:

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marciosmg said:
Can someone explain something to me. Im catholic myself. About all this versions of the bible you keep talking about: which ones are there? is there one that the majority of christian religions use? If no one wants to write, just give me a link or something. Thanks in advance.

Most Protestants use the King James, I believe. Not sure about Catholics. Superchunk can probably answer this.

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@superchunck - which two stories? could you explain it a little. i like reading about this things. thanks in advance

marciosmg said:
Can someone explain something to me. Im catholic myself. About all this versions of the bible you keep talking about: which ones are there? is there one that the majority of christian religions use? If no one wants to write, just give me a link or something. Thanks in advance.

 As a Catholic I am surprised you dont' know about the various editions.

Catholic bible - has completely different set of books than other Christian bibles.

king james bible

New international version

new revised standard version



just google it.

Bible versions or something. 

That would mean that I believe that men wrote the Bible and I do not. I believe that God wrote it through men, therefore I believe everything in it to be 100% accurate.

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

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At Liberty University, we recognize that many of our nation's institutions of higher education have done just what the Apostle Paul warned young Timothy would happen. That's why integrating faith and reason is at the core of our mission in the Biology Department. Many of our highly qualified faculty are active in both research and teaching, allowing motivated students to acquire a meaningful undergraduate research experience in a distinctive, Christ-centered environment. The freedom and willingness to explore non-Darwinian explanations for the origin of life makes our faculty one of the most unique collections of university scientists in the world. We are committed to educating our students about the different types of scientific investigation (e.g., empirical vs historical) and teaching them to think critically. In this way, we aim to help our students fulfill the scriptural mandate to "always be prepared to give an answer... for the hope that you have." (1 Peter 3:15)

That's classic

Jesus Christ, why is this shit being debated?

Its a well known fact that early Christianity was a bunch of spread out cults who followed different scriptures and had different views on the afterlife, Jesus, ect. Then a Roman emperor decided Christianity was the bees knees, and had a bunch of different Christian leaders come together to decide what would be canon, and what would be thrown out. Then you get a bunch of scriptures thrown out, others heavily edited, and still others spilt apart.

This is fact. This is true. There is archeological evidence and tons of historic writing on this.

marciosmg said:
@superchunck - which two stories? could you explain it a little. i like reading about this things. thanks in advance

Basically just read the first two chapters, in my Jewish history class it was shown in the TaNaKh that these are two distinct oral traditions that were later put together. The first is associated with the Elohim tradition, i.e. where God is always referred to as El or Elohim/Preistly traditon. The second is part of the Yahwist tradition where God is alreays referred as Yahweh or other words commonly used in place of Yahweh.

Here is the order in the first (Genesis 1), the Priestly tradition:

Day 1: Sky, Earth, light
Day 2: Water, both in ocean basins and above the sky(!)
Day 3: Plants
Day 4: Sun, Moon, stars (as calendrical and navigational aids)
Day 5: Sea monsters (whales), fish, birds, land animals,
creepy-crawlies (reptiles, insects, etc.)
Day 6: Humans (apparently both sexes at the same time)
Day 7: Nothing (the Gods took the first day off anyone ever did)

    Note that there are "days", "evenings", and "mornings" before
the Sun was created. Here, God is referred to as "Elohim", which
is a plural, thus the literal translation, "the Gods". In this tale,
the Gods seem satisfied with what they have done, saying after each
step that "it was good".

The second one (Genesis 2), the Yahwist tradition, goes:

Earth and heavens (misty)
Adam, the first man (on a desolate Earth)
Eve, the first woman (from Adam's rib)

A completely different order and known by Jews as just two different stories


@superchunck - i knew that the catholic bible was different than protestant bible. I just didnt know that protestants had so many versions of theirs. Since i live in a country thats mostly catholic and only now evangelics are really starting to grow, i never really got to know this fact.

You say that the catholic bible has a completely different set of books than other Christian bibles. but i learned that the only difference is in the Old Testament where catholic has more books (1st and 2nd Maccabees, Baruch, Tobit, Judith, The Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), additions to Esther, and Susanna and Bel and the Dragon which are included in Daniel - got this off the internet dont know if its accurate). Is that what you meant? Also, I do recall that theres a part of the New Testament, where theres a line in the catholic bible that there isnt in protestant bible. Is that true or is my mind playing tricks on me?

Re; Liberty University

Also, cocks