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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think you have to do to get to Heaven?


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My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

kazadoom said:
His tail was like that of a Cedar tree. Name an animal with a tail like that.

Uh... Um... An alligator.

Is that seriously what you're basing the dinosaur opinion on?

Despite the fact that I'm terribly hung over, I suddenly have an incredible urge to start drinking again.

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They must have really cutting edge biology and geology programs.

Liberty University?

Holy shitballs. That's all I gotta say about that.

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kazadoom said:
As for 1 John 5:7 if you really care. Here is a great research paper done on the subject SuperChunk.

 I will be happy to read it on my lunch break. However, I can tell from a quick preview that it does not put forth real evidence. i.e. actual scripts prior to the 4th century that include this verse. That hard fact is why it has been removed.

@kazadoom - dont you think that the author use cedar tree as a metaphor for animal with big, pretty tail? I dont know anything about animals but there animals with big tails. So you cant just assume hes talking about dinosaurs. Second, do you take Genesis as totally literal account of creation? People at that time didnt know about carbon dating or chemical elements etc., thats what they came up with it. Now that does not mean that the bible is wrong, it just means that the people of that time used the knowledge they had to say one thing - God created the world and made man as his image. How that happen in terms of physics of chemistry, is not up to the bible to answer it, thats science part.

^ I'm pretty sure that the geology department at Liberty University has proven that carbon dating is a hoax created by the Devil to lead us from God's path.

marciosmg said:
@kazadoom - dont you think that the author use cedar tree as a metaphor for animal with big, pretty tail? I dont know anything about animals but there animals with big tails. So you cant just assume hes talking about dinosaurs. Second, do you take Genesis as totally literal account of creation? People at that time didnt know about carbon dating or chemical elements etc., thats what they came up with it. Now that does not mean that the bible is wrong, it just means that the people of that time used the knowledge they had to say one thing - God created the world and made man as his image. How that happen in terms of physics of chemistry, is not up to the bible to answer it, thats science part.

 Jews don't even take it as a literal account of creation. In fact it has two distinct creation stories that do not coincide with eachother and only Christians argue against that point.

Can someone explain something to me. Im catholic myself. About all this versions of the bible you keep talking about: which ones are there? is there one that the majority of christian religions use? If no one wants to write, just give me a link or something. Thanks in advance.