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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think you have to do to get to Heaven?

kenzomatic said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Kazadoom is hiding. He wants us to say something so he can tear it apart, but he won't say anything with substance either, because we'll all tear it apart. He's "above that" or something. He accuses us of speaking in generalities because we "CAN'T list facts," yet I don't see him listing facts. He should be happy with his faith and not tossing it around on the internet as if it were fact. It is not.

Now, would he like his biblical riddles in 3 words, 2 words, or 1?

Billions of years?

Noah's ark?


You know not everyone who is a christian thinks the earth is only 10,000 years old.

There is a lot of evidence to indicate that there was a flood in the summarian area.

Dinosaurs, I don't get your point.

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
kazadoom said:
Billions of years - Not science plus the earth was created with age
Noah's ark -
Dinosaurs - mentioned in the Bible in Job 40 and 41 (bohemoth and leviathon) They lived with humans, and dragons are also mentioned in scripture

What do you even mean by your billions of years comment? You can't just say "not science." That doesn't answer anything. Here, let me try to argue on your level:


That Noah's Ark link is solid gold. Do you actually believe that? If so, why? It was an impression in some mud. Do you expect any rational person to believe that NOAH'S ARK was discovered in 1948, proving one of the greatest most fantastic fables of the old testament, but that nobody took a photo of it for 11 fucking years? Not to mention that it's just an impression in some mud.

Also, it claims that if the cubit measurement was correct, Noah must've been at least 7 feet tall, which was extremely rare back in those days, especially with the rampant malnutrition. Fossil records (after the flood, so your "the flood mixed up the fossils" argument won't work here) show that humans were significantly shorter than they are today just a few hundred years ago, and even shorter thousands of years ago.

You believe in dragons? Ok. Have fun with your fantasy thread. I hope you believe in everything else that can't be disproved (but doesn't need to be), like leprechauns and gnomes and Santa Claus and everything else that's invisible and fantastic.

Duh. Everybody believes in dragons. See, I have a map:

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totalwar23 said:
kenzomatic said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Kazadoom is hiding. He wants us to say something so he can tear it apart, but he won't say anything with substance either, because we'll all tear it apart. He's "above that" or something. He accuses us of speaking in generalities because we "CAN'T list facts," yet I don't see him listing facts. He should be happy with his faith and not tossing it around on the internet as if it were fact. It is not.

Now, would he like his biblical riddles in 3 words, 2 words, or 1?

Billions of years?

Noah's ark?


You know not everyone who is a christian thinks the earth is only 10,000 years old.

There is a lot of evidence to indicate that there was a flood in the summarian area.

Dinosaurs, I don't get your point.

That's the funiest thing I've ever seen in my life, did it come from kazadoom's - The Bible in Pictures?

bluesinG said:
kazadoom said:
superchunk said:

C) Have plenty of reasons to think Chrsitianity, not necissarily Jesus, are bogus. I mean have you actually read the bible and studied Christian history??? So full of inaccuracies, obvious tampering, and contradictions is just amazing.

Can you please give me some specific examples of this? I would sure like to see what you are talking about.

Here's a small one to start out with: Who was Joseph's father?

Matthew 1:16--And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Luke 3:23--And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli.

Kazadoom -- I'm sorry but I am not going to continue this path. I did this with my mother who talks very much like you and it doesn't end well. You won't really see the differences because you won't consider it as a possible truth that the Bible is anything but perfect. There are tons of places it contradicts itself simply because the are individual books and were not originally intended to be bound together. There are also passages that are commonly known to have been added centuries later and are not present in the any earlier manuscripts.

I was not attempting to attack you or your beliefs, I am sorry. But, please, do yourself a favor and take some classes on Christian history at your local community college or if you are already attending a University add one as an elective. 


The Ghost of RubangB said:

Hey rocketpig, read the part about electrolocation:

I already loved them, but now they're totally my favorite animal ever. Holy shit that's awesome.


Hell yes, I didn't know about the venom either, and it comes from their HIND LEGS? So badass.

Heh, I have read about platypi in the past. The things are 100% pure awesome.

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This is now officially my most entertaining VGchartz thread ever. Bruceongame's threads didn't even come close to making me laugh this much.

kenzomatic said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Kazadoom is hiding. He wants us to say something so he can tear it apart, but he won't say anything with substance either, because we'll all tear it apart. He's "above that" or something. He accuses us of speaking in generalities because we "CAN'T list facts," yet I don't see him listing facts. He should be happy with his faith and not tossing it around on the internet as if it were fact. It is not.

Now, would he like his biblical riddles in 3 words, 2 words, or 1?

Billions of years?

Noah's ark?


You know not everyone who is a christian thinks the earth is only 10,000 years old.

There is a lot of evidence to indicate that there was a flood in the summarian area.

Dinosaurs, I don't get your point.

I'm not arguing with all Christians.  That would be impossible.  I'm arguing with Kazadoom alone.

There may have been a flood, but there is no evidence to prove that it covered the entire planet and wiped out all life except for 2 of every species, which would not have been able to fit on a boat of ANY SIZE.

Dinosaurs back up both those arguments.  Dinosaurs are older than Kazadoom's concept of the universe, and they're older than the Ark story, and they never existed at the same time as humans, except for in that brilliant photo totalwar23 just posted.

I have a College degree in Religion and once again you come at me in generalities. Your mom was right and you should have listened to her. Tons of places? name 1. Were not intended to be bound together? says who? passages knows to be added? where is your proof. You do not have to answer these and that is fine, but you cannot blast me and then come at me with meaningless backless points that are pulled out of the air and then say you are not going to continue this anymore. If you have all this studying, then surely you can answer your own claims.

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

@ kazadoom

In all seriousness, in your view, what happens to people who don't accept Jesus Christ when they die?

Paul said:
@ kazadoom

In all seriousness, in your view, what happens to people who don't accept Jesus Christ when they die?

God hits them with a banhammer right after he finishes tea-bagging their soul. Don't fuck with the moderator in the sky.

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