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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think you have to do to get to Heaven?

Billions of years - Not science plus the earth was created with age
Noah's ark -
Dinosaurs - mentioned in the Bible in Job 40 and 41 (bohemoth and leviathon) They lived with humans, and dragons are also mentioned in scripture

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

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Dinosaur's were obviously too big to fit on the ark, Noah had to pick between a few big lizards and thousands of mamals. Pretty easy choice I think.

kazadoom said:
Billions of years - Not science plus the earth was created with age
Noah's ark -
Dinosaurs - mentioned in the Bible in Job 40 and 41 (bohemoth and leviathon) They lived with humans, and dragons are also mentioned in scripture

Oy. Are you serious?

1. Not science? WTF do you mean?

2. If someone found Noah's Ark, where is a specimen? Why don't scientists have access to such a thing?

3. So what if they mentioned dinosaurs? What's more important is how to explain why dinosaurs are found in dirt that carbon dates (or the equivalent testing) to roughly 70 million years ago.

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Paul said:
Dinosaur's were obviously too big to fit on the ark, Noah had to pick between a few big lizards and thousands of mamals. Pretty easy choice I think.

So you're telling us that Noah was a fuckin' bigot.

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More seriously though... what do jews believe happens after they die?

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kazadoom said:
Billions of years - Not science plus the earth was created with age
Noah's ark -
Dinosaurs - mentioned in the Bible in Job 40 and 41 (bohemoth and leviathon) They lived with humans, and dragons are also mentioned in scripture

Oy. Wow, kazadoom has gone from amusing to clinically insane.

kazadoom said:
Billions of years - Not science plus the earth was created with age
Noah's ark -
Dinosaurs - mentioned in the Bible in Job 40 and 41 (bohemoth and leviathon) They lived with humans, and dragons are also mentioned in scripture


What do you even mean by your billions of years comment?  You can't just say "not science."  That doesn't answer anything.  Here, let me try to argue on your level:


That Noah's Ark link is solid gold.  Do you actually believe that?  If so, why?  It was an impression in some mud.  Do you expect any rational person to believe that NOAH'S ARK was discovered in 1948, proving one of the greatest most fantastic fables of the old testament, but that nobody took a photo of it for 11 fucking years?  Not to mention that it's just an impression in some mud.

Also, it claims that if the cubit measurement was correct, Noah must've been at least 7 feet tall, which was extremely rare back in those days, especially with the rampant malnutrition.  Fossil records (after the flood, so your "the flood mixed up the fossils" argument won't work here) show that humans were significantly shorter than they are today just a few hundred years ago, and even shorter thousands of years ago.

You believe in dragons?  Ok.  Have fun with your fantasy thread.  I hope you believe in everything else that can't be disproved (but doesn't need to be), like leprechauns and gnomes and Santa Claus and everything else that's invisible and fantastic.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Kazadoom is hiding. He wants us to say something so he can tear it apart, but he won't say anything with substance either, because we'll all tear it apart. He's "above that" or something. He accuses us of speaking in generalities because we "CAN'T list facts," yet I don't see him listing facts. He should be happy with his faith and not tossing it around on the internet as if it were fact. It is not.

Now, would he like his biblical riddles in 3 words, 2 words, or 1?

Billions of years?

Noah's ark?


You know not everyone who is a christian thinks the earth is only 10,000 years old.

There is a lot of evidence to indicate that there was a flood in the summarian area.

Dinosaurs, I don't get your point.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

Hey rocketpig, read the part about electrolocation:

I already loved them, but now they're totally my favorite animal ever. Holy shit that's awesome.


Hell yes, I didn't know about the venom either, and it comes from their HIND LEGS?  So badass. 

The Ghost of RubangB said:
kazadoom said:
Billions of years - Not science plus the earth was created with age
Noah's ark -
Dinosaurs - mentioned in the Bible in Job 40 and 41 (bohemoth and leviathon) They lived with humans, and dragons are also mentioned in scripture

What do you even mean by your billions of years comment?  You can't just say "not science."  That doesn't answer anything.  Here, let me try to argue on your level:


That Noah's Ark link is solid gold.  Do you actually believe that?  If so, why?  It was an impression in some mud.  Do you expect any rational person to believe that NOAH'S ARK was discovered in 1948, proving one of the greatest most fantastic fables of the old testament, but that nobody took a photo of it for 11 fucking years?  Not to mention that it's just an impression in some mud.

Also, it claims that if the cubit measurement was correct, Noah must've been at least 7 feet tall, which was extremely rare back in those days, especially with the rampant malnutrition.  Fossil records (after the flood, so your "the flood mixed up the fossils" argument won't work here) show that humans were significantly shorter than they are today just a few hundred years ago, and even shorter thousands of years ago.

You believe in dragons?  Ok.  Have fun with your fantasy thread.  I hope you believe in everything else that can't be disproved (but doesn't need to be), like leprechauns and gnomes and Santa Claus and everything else that's invisible and fantastic.

Rubang I know your mad about weezy but please don't join him. I can't handle losing another member like you.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1