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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think you have to do to get to Heaven?

Soriku said:
mesoteto said:
you got to wonder if some time he is not like this

i mean its one thing not to believe but why hate other for it, or mock them, and such?

i respect you not believing but please show me and my fellows the same resect

Dude, that pic is VERY offensive. Take that down now.

So, if someone found a way to describe Mickey Mouse as offensive, should the world be forced to remove all public showings of Mickey?  Just asking.


Edit:  Also, by including it in your post, should you be faced with the same consequenses?  I mean you, by quoting him, have posted the picture again.  What makes it right for you to put it up there and not him?

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

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So we've started the list wars of quotes finally. I was wondering how long some people were going to rely on their own fairy tales before they started relying on the more established ones. Many are called, few are chosen. None are saved but by grace.

kazadoom said:
bluesinG said:
kazadoom said:
superchunk said:

C) Have plenty of reasons to think Chrsitianity, not necissarily Jesus, are bogus. I mean have you actually read the bible and studied Christian history??? So full of inaccuracies, obvious tampering, and contradictions is just amazing.

Can you please give me some specific examples of this?  I would sure like to see what you are talking about. 

Here's a small one to start out with: Who was Joseph's father?

Matthew 1:16--And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Luke 3:23--And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli.

Try again please.

If you want me to. Which version of the Bible would you prefer that I use?

I love how this guy wants to start discussion by daring people to challenge his beliefs, even though it is widely known that his beliefs are based on faith and not facts. There are unlimited facts that prove him wrong. This shouldn't bother him, since he's relying on faith anyway. The fact that the facts are bothering him and he wants to fight them with his historical fiction makes me kinda doubt how strong his faith really was in the first place. It's also great how he won't post his own beliefs in his own thread. Yeah I'm referring to him in the 3rd person. We all should. It's more fun that way.

BluesinG - I only use the King James Bible

The Ghost of RubangB - I would love to see the unlimited facts that you are referring to. Also, which facts are the
ones that you think are bothering me. I am not bothered by facts, I am bothered by lies
and people who just talk in generalities as you have because they cannot list specifics.

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

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To get into heaven you will have to either get over 10 000 posts on VGChartz or be a moderator on VGChartz.

nah, that is to get into VGChartz' Heaven. Otherwise I would bet you are slightly off... ^^ lolz

All I know is that at some point in most religions, somebody had to f*** their sister or mother according to scripture.

That always cheers me up whenever I get frustrated by religious fanatics.

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Kazadoom is hiding. He wants us to say something so he can tear it apart, but he won't say anything with substance either, because we'll all tear it apart. He's "above that" or something. He accuses us of speaking in generalities because we "CAN'T list facts," yet I don't see him listing facts. He should be happy with his faith and not tossing it around on the internet as if it were fact. It is not.

Now, would he like his biblical riddles in 3 words, 2 words, or 1?

Billions of years?

Noah's ark?


The Ghost of RubangB said:
Kazadoom is hiding. He wants us to say something so he can tear it apart, but he won't say anything with substance either, because we'll all tear it apart. He's "above that" or something. He accuses us of speaking in generalities because we "CAN'T list facts," yet I don't see him listing facts. He should be happy with his faith and not tossing it around on the internet as if it were fact. It is not.

Now, would he like his biblical riddles in 3 words, 2 words, or 1?

Billions of years?

Noah's ark?


In response, I offer you the platypus. Only God could have created a creature so completely ridiculous.

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