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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think you have to do to get to Heaven?

tarheel91 said:
I believe one must be part of the 144,000. Everyone else has a hope to live on a paradise earth for eternity.

 That is the one thing that has always made me .... very ... distanced from Jehovah's Witnesses. The idea that God will only give Paradise to an extremely small group of people. Sorry, but that is so much of the opposite of the idea of God and Heaven.

Plus, if you actually read that part of the bible it says 144,000 and many more. Whenever JW's come to my house this is what I show them in the Bible. 

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There certainly does not have to be a heaven or a hell for there to be an after life.

 True. When I was talking about the concept of an afterlife earlier, what I meant was the concept of arbitrary rules in this life that effects your next life.


fkusumot said:
redspear said:
SamuelRSmith said:
@redspear I really don't understand what you're trying to say.

LOL. All I am saying is this. If there is no heaven or hell nobody will no once they died. I went ot be both catholic and jewish schools. Even though I have said this before I will say it again in this thread. I asked a nun what if tehy are wrong and htere is no heaven or hell and you lived your life like this for no reason. Her reply was than I will not know and it will not bother me. that is all I am saying.

 Well, that nun was wrong. Your logic is blind to other possibilities because of something you were told as a child. There is no requirement for a heaven or a hell for there to be an after life. If you can prove otherwise please do.

OK Fkusmot let me rephrase that as afterlife. Yes there are otehr possibilities like reincarnation and the like but if that were teh case it is very likely we have been reincarnated many ties and we don't rememebr or past lives. It could be that we come back as bug or stay human or come back as an alien depending on our actions but we will not have any memory of what we did this life and once again that wouldn't matter.

You could end up on a celestial plane with others or you could experience your bodies corpse rotting to  death neither of which would be affected by the choices you made this life. Heaven and Hell are versions of afterlife that have a consequence based on what you did in your life with the memory of what you have done.

 What other forms of afterlife are there? More importantly what other forms of afterlife are out there that would make you regret or be proud of the decisions you made while alive during this life. As long as you are happy this life it doesn't matter if others feel you wasted it. That si the point the nun was making and it is a point that makes sense to me and I am pretty sure buddhist monks would agree with that.

You assume I am blinded by what I was told as a child. I assume you make assumptions. I have read hindu and buddhists and zoaster texts. I even go to temple once in awhile with my Thai freinds. We have buddhists that come to my meeting in San Francisco. My church has no preachers no pastors to tell us what is right or wrong. Furthermore I am constantly at odds with other peoples interpretation of the bible and even the translations. I am at odds with the way it was put together and how things were included and excluded from it.


So what other types am I missing?

You have to ditch everything get a sex change if needed and become a nun.

stranne said:

There certainly does not have to be a heaven or a hell for there to be an after life.

True. When I was talking about the concept of an afterlife earlier, what I meant was the concept of arbitrary rules in this life that effects your next life.


 Gotcha. I didn't pick up on that context.

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.....angelina jolie?

my top 5 right now. 1. uncharted 2 2. assassin's creed 2 3. god of war 3 4. final fantasy xiii 5. blue dragon: awakened shadow.

Accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Next question.

I'm back...

kazadoom said:
If all we do is die and that is it, then why were we born with a conscience? Why is there something in us that gives us the ability to determine right from wrong? How does something like that just appear? Don't bother with saying it was just taught to us, because if that is the case, then who taught those who taught us, and so on. The ability to know right and wrong sets us apart from all other creatures, so why do we have it?

 If we can determine right from wrong then why are there religions and philosophical systems to tell us what is right and what is wrong?

We don't _know_ what is right and what is wrong, what differentiate us from other creatures that we can be sure of (unlike a soul which cannot be proved or disproved) is our intelligence and thus our ability to think about abstract concepts like right and wrong and subsequently try to categorise things according to them.

In other word, we do not have an innate ability to know the rightness or wrongness of things but we have an innate ability to think that something is right or that something is wrong.

Would you say that knowing that drinking alcohol is wrong is innate in you? Probably not as most Christian believe drinking it in moderation is a good thing (and wine is also a part of some Christian rites for Catholics); yet a muslim might say yes, knowing that drinking alcohol is wrong is innate in him because his religion says so (I think I am oversimplifying things here as if I understand correctly the coran says that you should not drink alcohol not because it is wrong in itself but because it leads to doing wrong things. A muslim reader is more than welcome to correct me if I misrepresent his religion as I am far from an expert on it).

Some of it is taught to us (would you be Christian if you had not been taught to be by somebody else, be it your parents, a preacher or Christ himself? Would you be Christian if you parent were muslim?) , some of it is thought by us (and then taught to others).

Some of what we are taught we accept and some we reject (I was raised Christian but am agnostic, some are raised atheist but find God...).

 One question. If the knowledge of right and wrong is innate in us and Christianity is the one true religion, how come there were no Christians before Jesus's first coming? As our knowledge of right and wrong is innate in us according to this theory we should have found out about it without needing Jesus to tell us about it, no? (oh, and if somebody else believe in an innate right and wrong but happens to be of another religion, replace Chritianity by its name and Jesus by whatever proeminent religious figure revealed the tenets of your religion to the world).

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


God loves all of us. God is all powerful. Thus God would logically save us all.


The devil is always lurking around trying to get us to stray from god's path. That crazy devil... why doesn't he take a night off and watch lost or something?