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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Consoles will be getting a lot bigger in Europe than PC and Mobile in this generation

1. Your argument failed because your Activision data is outdated.

2. Again, another outdated article - Zeboyd have since moved to the PS4 as well. As for the other developer, yeah, 2million thanks to Steam, iOS, XBL and PSN. Sure, Steam accounted for 50% of the normalised revenue but that's still 3 years ago. I would be curious to see how that game would have fared now that PS has started to welcome indies.

3. Doesn't change anything to the fact that your comparison was poor and since you were comparing a game that got released 1.5 year later on the 360 and more than 2 years later on the PS3.

4. No, the point is simple. You chose to ignore the PS4 and concentrate on the X1 since it supports your argument.

5. Consoles were banned for years in China so obviously that country gravitated towards PC. And console revenue doesn't include revenue from facebook games unlike PC games revenue.

6. In case you forgot, you brought up those games based on your personal opinion. That was relevant then?

Around the Network
zero129 said:
Sprash said:

I don't think or rather believe that the hit would not be that big for consoles the producing cost woudn't be that much bigger but I can't really say something about that.

Let's just agree that both platforms can be happy the other one exist^^

Exactly, i just cant wait for Sony to release the PS4 slim so i can pick one up along with Uncharted 4 and all the other great exclusives that i need to collect, the same way i have my pc for 3rd party and pc exclusives. No point in shutting out one side of gaming when the is so many different styles of gaming for one to test and see what they like .

zero129 said:
Sprash said:
zero129 said:

Exactly, i just cant wait for Sony to release the PS4 slim so i can pick one up along with Uncharted 4 and all the other great exclusives that i need to collect, the same way i have my pc for 3rd party and pc exclusives. No point in shutting out one side of gaming when the is so many different styles of gaming for one to test and see what they like .

Is there a upcoming ps4 slim? I really can't believe they can make the ps4 even skinnier.

Id imagine the would be going from Sonys past history, in fact i think it would be perfect to release it next year in time for Uncharted and some of the other big hitters.

That is not going to happen. Probably will not be a PS4 slim next year they will just continue to refine it in the same case. 

Lawlight said:

If you're playing Chinese MMOs then sure, PC gaming can survive without console. Wherever their roots were doesn't change the fact that the PC gaming industry can go away and consoles will still be alive. In the west, consoles sales subsidize PC games sales.

No not really, that's just you moving posts once more.

PC gaming is never going away to be honest, without PC you would't have console games at all, that's just a fact.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

zero129 said:
rolltide101x said:
zero129 said:

Id imagine the would be going from Sonys past history, in fact i think it would be perfect to release it next year in time for Uncharted and some of the other big hitters.

That is not going to happen. Probably will not be a PS4 slim next year they will just continue to refine it in the same case. 

Any reason for why you dont think the will be a slim model when every Playstation has had one??. What exactly is the exception with the ps4??.

Trust me id bet my life that the will be a slim PS4.

He was talking about ur time frame, PS4 is not getting a Slim version in time for Uncharted 4 which releases in 4.5 months.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Around the Network
zero129 said:
zorg1000 said:
zero129 said:
rolltide101x said:
zero129 said:

Id imagine the would be going from Sonys past history, in fact i think it would be perfect to release it next year in time for Uncharted and some of the other big hitters.

That is not going to happen. Probably will not be a PS4 slim next year they will just continue to refine it in the same case. 

Any reason for why you dont think the will be a slim model when every Playstation has had one??. What exactly is the exception with the ps4??.

Trust me id bet my life that the will be a slim PS4.

He was talking about ur time frame, PS4 is not getting a Slim version in time for Uncharted 4 which releases in 4.5 months.

Oh right. Didnt realise Uncharted 4 was releasing so soon xD .

Well then i guess xmas time next year would be a good time for a slim and will of been 3 years since the ps4 release .

Ya fall 2016 seems possible for PS4/XB1 to get Slim revisions, although I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't until 2017.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zero129 said:
zorg1000 said:
zero129 said:
rolltide101x said:
zero129 said:

Id imagine the would be going from Sonys past history, in fact i think it would be perfect to release it next year in time for Uncharted and some of the other big hitters.

That is not going to happen. Probably will not be a PS4 slim next year they will just continue to refine it in the same case. 

Any reason for why you dont think the will be a slim model when every Playstation has had one??. What exactly is the exception with the ps4??.

Trust me id bet my life that the will be a slim PS4.

He was talking about ur time frame, PS4 is not getting a Slim version in time for Uncharted 4 which releases in 4.5 months.

Oh right. Didnt realise Uncharted 4 was releasing so soon xD .

Well then i guess xmas time next year would be a good time for a slim and will of been 3 years since the ps4 release .

Ya fall 2016 seems possible for PS4/XB1 to get Slim revisions, although I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't until 2017.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Lawlight said:

1. Your argument failed because your Activision data is outdated.

Keep thinking that. ;)

Lawlight said:

2. Again, another outdated article - Zeboyd have since moved to the PS4 as well. As for the other developer, yeah, 2million thanks to Steam, iOS, XBL and PSN. Sure, Steam accounted for 50% of the normalised revenue but that's still 3 years ago. I would be curious to see how that game would have fared now that PS has started to welcome indies.

The time frame is irrellevant. It does happen. Remember there are 125+ million "active" user son Steam. The PS4 has only a fraction of that in users right now.

Lawlight said:

3. Doesn't change anything to the fact that your comparison was poor and since you were comparing a game that got released 1.5 year later on the 360 and more than 2 years later on the PS3.

Here is another example then. Half Life.

Lawlight said:

4. No, the point is simple. You chose to ignore the PS4 and concentrate on the X1 since it supports your argument.

Context. Learn it, as you are obviously completely missing the point.

Lawlight said:

5. Consoles were banned for years in China so obviously that country gravitated towards PC. And console revenue doesn't include revenue from facebook games unlike PC games revenue.

That is because as far as I know. Consoles can't run facebook games anyway.

Fact of the matter is. Facebook isn't the core demographic of PC gaming.

Lawlight said:

6. In case you forgot, you brought up those games based on your personal opinion. That was relevant then?

I didn't bring them up because of personal opinion, if you had actually done your research you would know they were some of the most highly rated PC games of all time. In-fact, some are the most highly rated games of *all time* on *any* platform.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

1. Nothing to keep believe. Facts support me and proves me right.

2. So? Indies are still flocking to the PS4 when they used to be mostly PC-oriented before.

3. Half-Life - another treat example of games that sold better on PC...and that took 3 years to come to consoles. Yeps, great example.

4. Nopes, not missing the point. You should have read the article before embarrassing yourself.

5. Social media platforms are still a big chuck of the PC games revenue.

6. The Settlers? The Sim franchise? Arma? X3? Sure those are some of the highest rated games of all time? The others are rated highly just like many other games.