Lawlight said: 1. Your argument failed because your Activision data is outdated. |
Keep thinking that. ;)
Lawlight said: 2. Again, another outdated article - Zeboyd have since moved to the PS4 as well. As for the other developer, yeah, 2million thanks to Steam, iOS, XBL and PSN. Sure, Steam accounted for 50% of the normalised revenue but that's still 3 years ago. I would be curious to see how that game would have fared now that PS has started to welcome indies. |
The time frame is irrellevant. It does happen. Remember there are 125+ million "active" user son Steam. The PS4 has only a fraction of that in users right now.
Lawlight said: 3. Doesn't change anything to the fact that your comparison was poor and since you were comparing a game that got released 1.5 year later on the 360 and more than 2 years later on the PS3. |
Here is another example then. Half Life.
Lawlight said: 4. No, the point is simple. You chose to ignore the PS4 and concentrate on the X1 since it supports your argument. |
Context. Learn it, as you are obviously completely missing the point.
Lawlight said: 5. Consoles were banned for years in China so obviously that country gravitated towards PC. And console revenue doesn't include revenue from facebook games unlike PC games revenue.
That is because as far as I know. Consoles can't run facebook games anyway.
Fact of the matter is. Facebook isn't the core demographic of PC gaming.
Lawlight said: 6. In case you forgot, you brought up those games based on your personal opinion. That was relevant then? |
I didn't bring them up because of personal opinion, if you had actually done your research you would know they were some of the most highly rated PC games of all time. In-fact, some are the most highly rated games of *all time* on *any* platform.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--