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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony posts $280M profit. PS4 ships 4 million in Q2 & LTD = 29.3 Million

Nintyfan90 said:

I'll repeat what I said earlier, I wish some people would just grow up. Sony sold 80M psps...

Nintyfan90 said:

No need to argue with you. You are clearly only concerned with ps3 vs ps4 which doesn't prove at all the market isn't shrinking. Vita says hello everytime you try to ignore it. PS3/PSP > PS4/Vita at the end of the day. 

Since when are we also including handhelds into the equation? The conversation is clearly about consoles, so leave out the PSP and Vita.

Also, attacking other users for disagreeing rather than attacking their arguments isn't helping your case.

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Hiku said:
johnsobas said:

You know there is a difference between being out in 1 country for 9 months then releasing most of them later and being in most of them from the start then releasing in a few countries later.  It doesn't take a genius to see there is a big difference.  Yes the PS4 wasn't released in Japan until like 6 months later but it's not selling that well there and the numbers are small in the big picture.

I aknowledged that there is a difference. But also that it's one that's more relevant for an initial period when there may still be shortages. After around 2 years on the market, neither PS2 nor PS4 suffered from any shortages. Meaning anyone who wanted one would have gotten it by this point. If someone wanted a PS2 but did not get one after 2 years, then the main problem was not that it launched 7 months later in their country.

Right, so anyone who wanted a PS4 could get one now too, and the PS2 sold over 150 million.  Clearly the time in each market doesn't matter to you so the sales aren't even really close then are they.  

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Nintyfan90 said:
ethomaz said:
Nintyfan90 said:

Which numbers disagree? 7th Gen is outpacing 8th Gen. I'm sure you have an excuse for that. Which 3rd party franchises have done better this Gen?

Most of them did better than the first interaction in the 7th gen lol

Wait the userbase grow to level above last gen and you will see games selling way more.

It is already starting on PS4.

GTA, CoD, GT, etc will all sell more on PS4 than what they sold on PS3.

No need to argue with you. You are clearly only concerned with ps3 vs ps4 which doesn't prove at all the market isn't shrinking. Vita says hello everytime you try to ignore it. PS3/PSP > PS4/Vita at the end of the day.

Nevermind that the PS2 sold more than both the PS3 and PSP, and that the PS4 is outselling the PS2

Great for Sony and the PS4. Perhaps undertracked as of the latest numbers.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

Wow PS profits makes up almost 2 thirds of Sonys overall corporate profit.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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sales2099 said:
Wow PS profits makes up almost 2 thirds of Sonys overall corporate profit.

Not quite. 3 other divisions made more profit than the gaming one. Mobile and pictures really dragged them down. They have to stop funding those Adam Sandler movies.

sales2099 said:
Wow PS profits makes up almost 2 thirds of Sonys overall corporate profit.

Which is a concern for inventors I would think given that their tv, phone and pc/laptop business has all but dried up. I mean after playstation where to then? Hardware business for gaming industry will only last another gen or so which is why Microsoft has cleverly positioned/integrated xbox and windows 10 more than just a singular hardware approach. I guess Sony can only afford to think short term at the moment focussing on rescuing the business which is understandable.

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

3sexty said:
sales2099 said:
Wow PS profits makes up almost 2 thirds of Sonys overall corporate profit.

Which is a concern for inventors I would think given that their tv, phone and pc/laptop business has all but dried up. I mean after playstation where to then? Hardware business for gaming industry will only last another gen or so which is why Microsoft has cleverly positioned/integrated xbox and windows 10 more than just a singular hardware approach. I guess Sony can only afford to think short term at the moment focussing on rescuing the business which is understandable.

Read my post just above yours.

NewGuy said:
tak13 said:

My dear Newguy you should first think the selling pace of a console to assume how much is the stock of it... 

It would be weird for 2.8m on the shelves (you never know) , I agree, but for 2m isn't irrational, and sometimes companies overstuffing the channels! :P XBOX360 was used to have 2m on the shelves, that is proven!

You're implying that there are 1m on the shelves, that's way  low for a console that sells like ps4, this  is what 3DS has in its fourth year and ps4 ships the triple numbers...

Saw your post on the other thread as well....let's agree to disagree here, you really think Sony is stuffing the channel with PS4s? lol

incorrect. Shipped means a retailer has purchased it. It does not mean Sony has produced this many PS4s. Sony has likely produced many more PS4s than this "shipped" number.

Shipped= retailer has purshased

Sold= Consumer has purchased

Now if you said retailers were stocking up I would agree. 26 mil VGC and 29 mil shipped maybe 500k to 1 mil under tracked.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

drkohler said:
poklane said:
JRPGfan said:
So is PS4 undertracked on VGcharts? It looks like it right?

PS4 is undertracked by 1 million easy, unless there were 3 million PS4s on shelves and in warehouses on October 1st...

Take a good look at the FQ report.

There is a massive increase in Inventory (Inventory = manufactured but unsold goods) for the quarter. This likely means tons of unsold PS HW.

guh. those are not shipped. THAT! is the Holiday stockpile. Shipped means a retailer purchased the console from Sony. It is either already sold to a cosumer, sitting on a store shelf or in a distribution warehouse.

What is sitting in a Sony warehouse waiting to sold to a retailer is not shipped. It is what they project to be shipped over a certain amount of time.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.