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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How many WiiU games will be remade for the NX?


How many WiiU games will be remade for the NX?

None. The NX will start from scratch. 22 19.64%
None. The NX will be full... 26 23.21%
Only one. 7 6.25%
2-5. 27 24.11%
6-10. 8 7.14%
All major Nintendo titles. 7 6.25%
Every title. It's rainin... 5 4.46%
Only Sonic Boom will be remastered. 10 8.93%

I doubt there will be any. I mean, Nintendo really isn't in this remasters fad. Even though they are lacking games, the only remaster they did was Wind Waker HD. They could have rolled out much more remasters if they wanted to, but didn't.

So, anyone who's waiting for NX to play Wii U games will probably get dissapointed. Better get a Wii U while you can

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I'm hoping none as I already have a Wii U and I would prefer if Nintendo just added backwards compatibility and invested on new games, but I can definitely see Zelda Wii U releasing simultaneously on Wii U and NX.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

It'd be stupid of them to not remaster smash4 with dlc and additional modes (cough adventure mode cough) and such.

Maybe 3D Mario remaster? Not a bad idea imo.

Zelda U maybe.

Oh yeah, and of course a sonic boom remaster is needed.

Hopefully none. I'm not a fan of remastering games from the previous generation. Hopefully we get some remastered Wii games though. Metroid Prime Trilogy HD, Skyward Sword HD, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 HD. Those would be cool.

Probably very few. Nintendo tends to wait a while on remakes. The remakes we've seen this gen have been from the 'Cube and N64 generation. We're more likely to see Gamecube/Wiimakes than a lot of Wii U remakes.

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Besides Zelda, Smash and Kart.

Smash and Kart are big hitters for nintendo, but they usually wait several years between iterations, so they will remaster those 2 to help their first years.

Splatoon is a possibility, but a Splatoon 2 could just happen soon too. And would help a lot too.

Hopefully not many. I would just prefer BC.

But if i had to guess then
-Zelda U
-and um.... yeah

Australian Gamer (add me if you like)               
NNID: Maraccuda              
PS Network: Maraccuda           


I believe NX will include every 3DS/WiiU games for the NX library