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Forums - General Discussion - why do you believe todays children have less respect for the mums and dads

The government should seriously think about introducing the Battle Royale bill...It might just frighten enough kids into behaving:)

Playing: Borderlands(great co-op,HUGE amount of content),Too Human(better late than never lol),Saints Row 3(Penetrator ftw),Minecraft 360,Harry Potter Lego. 

Patiently waiting for:  Tomb Raider, Borderlands 2

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@ Timedog )

Plato :)

@ topic )

children turn out that way, if parents don't have time for them and let the TV do most of the upbringing

Lafiel said:
@ Timedog )

Plato :)

@ topic )

children turn out that way, if parents don't have time for them and let the TV do most of the upbringing

 well i watch a lot tv but i still respect my mum and dad. children want to grow up to fast that why they believe they can talk to thier parents as an equal 

it not who i am but what i do that defines me. you'll never walk alone you'll never walk alone walk on walk on.

Most of you people believe that parents are superior to their children and they should respect them, but that isn't the reason why you should respect them. The reason why a child should respect there parents is , because these parents support the child with enough to live plus more. This parent also gives love to this child and teaches them how to be a right person. Now if this parent doesn't do all of these things the child will have an attitude. If the parent doesn't spend time with their child they will have an attitude. Most parents don't do that anymore. That is why alot of children have an attitude. Trust me I am one and know alot of kids who feel this way.

Yeah not enough discipline and too spoiled, I mean how many people here didn't pay for their console, doesn't pay for their cell phone, list goes on.

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If the child has lost all respct for their parents it's not their fault, most of the time it's the parents!!

As a parent myself I always try to have a keen interest in what my children enjoy doing, which isn't always easy when it's something that I'm not particualarly interested in myself (such as watching Slipknot videos without earplugs! and attending a Spice Girls concert!)

All through their lives I've hopefully given them good morals and values, allowed them to express their opinions and encouraged them to try things they are interested in rather than me pushing them into activities because it's what I think they should be interested in.

It's hard work being a parent and you have to take the responsibility seriously and unfortunately there are an aweful lot of parents that think children can bring themselves up and quickly point the finger of blame at everyone but themselves when something goes wrong.

@ kopboi )

it depends on the individual and on when in the developement of the personality the child is "left alone"

I guess with both parents working they don't have much time to raise their kids. Years ago, not to be sexist, but woman stayed home and they had more grasp on their kids and they were able to teach them good maners.

Also, there's this whole child protection/goverment that goes a bit too far. There's a difference between a spanking for dicipline and beating a kid. I've heard from some really unfair stories about those.

Some parents also show "love" and "appreaciation" to their kids by buying stuff and being really softies with them. Today's parents try to be too much like a friend with them and that's where the limit is crossed. They need to take back their role.

Dicipline is needed and kids need to respect their parents and elders.

Note: There's a limit to everything though, I don't think beating a kid (like using a belt or throwing them in a wall) is in any way acceptable and I do think kids need some respect, just that they need to do the same towards their parents.

Because parents as of large don't take responsibility for their kids problems and instead blame everything on the state, videogames, music and anything the hell else they can instead of spending time raising their kids.

In short. The average parent sucks a lot more then they used to.

Keep in mind some people seem to just be born dicks though and no amount of good parenting fixes things.  However, the current situation doesn't help.

Timedog said:
"Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers. "

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"

"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint"

Guess who made these quotes

That's a bit of a false defense.  Just because every generation thinks things are getting worse, that doesn't mean that in some cases they are getting worse.