fallout 4 is beasting, R.I.P to tomb raider.
#14 XB1 Halo Bundle
#18 PS4 TLOUR Bundle
#28 PS4 Nathan Drake Bundle
#40 PS4 Star Wars Limited Bundle
#50 PS4 Black Ops Bundle
#69 XB1 Forza Bundle
#84 PS4 Destiny Bundle
#90 PS4 Star Wars Bundle
#98 XB1 Madden Bundle
jlmurph2 said:
It better be, the console releases tomorrow, right?
5 hours since the last update.
#14 XB1 Halo Bundle (up 1)*
#18 PS4 TLOUR Bundle (up 4)*
#28 PS4 Nathan Drake Bundle (down 1)*
#40 PS4 Star Wars Bundle (up 5)
#50 PS4 Black Ops Bundle (down 2)
#69 XB1 Forza Bundle (up 6)*
#84 PS4 Destiny Bundle (down 8)*
#90 PS4 Star Wars Standard Bundle (up 5)
#98 XB1 Madden Bundle (re-entry)*
*Affects this month
PS4 - 6 bundles, 6 in the top 100
XB1 - 9 bundles, 3 in the top 100
The PS5 Exists.
Imnus said:
It better be, the console releases tomorrow, right? |
Yeah the 20th. And the game releases the 27th
GribbleGrunger said: 5 hours since the last update. |
4 spots on amazon between Halo 5 bundle and TLOU bundle for PS4. A nathan drake bundle not far behinde.
I honestly think even now, 1 day before release, Halo 5 bundle has failed to push Xbox One sales enough to win the month.
X1Gates said: fallout 4 is beasting, R.I.P to tomb raider. |
It was always going to be a bloodbath.
6 : fallout 4 for PS4.
11 : fallout 4 for Xbox One.
73 : fallout 4 on pc.
83 : Rise of the Tombraider Xbox One.
Dark_Feanor said: Sony once again playing the pretending exclusive card. |
a VGC user once again playing the "post that makes no sense and was just said to rile up people" card.
I'm looking at the monthly charts and the position the Halo bundle is in and I'm wondering if it also includes the preorders. Halo was no where to be seen until later in the month and yet it sits at #32 in charts, and it wasn't even winning until a few days ago. Even now it's only 3 places ahead of the TLOUR bundle. It just seems such a big jump considering how low it's been for most of this month and how many PS4 bundles have been ahead of it. We've all been speculating on how preorders would affect the final outcome but perhaps Amazon actually add those preorders in come the month of release.
The PS5 Exists.
GribbleGrunger said: I'm looking at the monthly charts and the position the Halo bundle is in and I'm wondering if it also includes the preorders. Halo was no where to be seen until later in the month and yet it sits at #32 in charts, and it wasn't even winning until a few days ago. Even now it's only 3 places ahead of the TLOUR bundle. It just seems such a big jump considering how low it's been for most of this month and how many PS4 bundles have been ahead of it. We've all been speculating on how preorders would affect the final outcome but perhaps Amazon actually add those preorders in come the month of release. |
That's a very interesting theory. If that's the case, I'm even more inclined to believe Sony wins due to the current placements.
Making me wish next month was already here so we could have definitive proof lol
GribbleGrunger said: I'm looking at the monthly charts and the position the Halo bundle is in and I'm wondering if it also includes the preorders. Halo was no where to be seen until later in the month and yet it sits at #32 in charts, and it wasn't even winning until a few days ago. Even now it's only 3 places ahead of the TLOUR bundle. It just seems such a big jump considering how low it's been for most of this month and how many PS4 bundles have been ahead of it. We've all been speculating on how preorders would affect the final outcome but perhaps Amazon actually add those preorders in come the month of release. |
False. Week 1 it was #38. Stop trying to downplay the fact that a console that is releasing this month is actually selling.