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Forums - General Discussion - How do you deal with an unexpected death?

A co-worker and good friend of mine passed away yesterday. I just received a company wide email. Totally unexpected. We had a business lunch not more than a month ago, and everything was fine. Total shock, I could barely believe what I was reading, and I still can't fathom the idea that he's gone. How do you deal with death? It's a bit different when someone becomes sick and there's a possibility of them passing away. But when they are taken from you in the blink of an eye ...? My mood is shot to hell.

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I drink lots of alcohol and take drugs to help deal with the pain.

Man that sucks Dolla, all you can really do is comfort his family and do your best to honor his memory... when stuff like that happens there is no formula that helps... you just have to keep going as best you can...




My mother died very suddenly early last year. She was 46. She was also the healthiest person in my family (gym 3 times a week). One hour she was alive and asleep, the next hour she died on a surgeons table. I distracted myself by helping others (mainly my little brother) deal with the loss of this incredible woman.

Unfortunately though, you'll find there are pains you simply must feel sooner or later when a loved one passes unexpectedly.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Aww, I'm so sorry.

Well, fortunately, I've never had anyone die on me. I've never had to attend a funeral or whatnot, so I don't know what to do.

But I do feel bad a lot so escaping into an alternate reality (Playing video games) generally makes you forget about all the troubles in the world.

If you're the sappy kind of guy, you could talk about you feelings or something like that.

But you should probably play an epic RPG like FFXII or (dun dun dun) Shadow of the Colossus so that can take your mind off of it for a few hours.

Hope this helps

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never had this happen to me yet...

I'd take a good guess that there only time that helps, and to try not to think about it too much otherwise youll become depressed

Oh, man, that sucks! My condolences to you and everyone who knew this person. I know that's one of the toughest things to go through.

Really, time is the best thing for stuff like this. I wish there was a quick fix, but just let the greif run it's course. I don't know if you believe in God or anything (afterlife, etc), but even that doesn't make it easy.

The best thing to do for the memory of someone's life is to remember their life and continue to live yours.

Again, I'm very sorry for you loss.

Actually, gaming did help Dolla. Try that. I played through Fable.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Nothing you can do will reverse the fact that they're gone. Drinking yourself out of misery doesn't seem like a good answer to me, because you still have to deal with it someday.

Sit down and compile a list of good times, good memories, pictures, etc. you had with the person. Make a copy of it and give it to the person's family.

1. It's something that will help them.

2. It will give you something to look back on once in a while and remember positive things about a long lost friend.

3. Makes you feel productive again.

4. Gives you something to talk about with them when you see them again on the other side.

starcraft said:
My mother died very suddenly early last year. She was 46. She was also the healthiest person in my family (gym 3 times a week). One hour she was alive and asleep, the next hour she died on a surgeons table. I distracted myself by helping others (mainly my little brother) deal with the loss of this incredible woman.

Unfortunately though, you'll find there are pains you simply must feel sooner or later when a loved one passes unexpectedly.

Man that is the worst thing I have heard in ages... I feel really sorry for you man... I hope you and your family stick together and make it trough the pain somehow...