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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U 2016 lineup looking solid

Well Zelda is the one game I'm looking forward to beyond anything else. So that's enough for me to be honest.

Perhaps you should've added Yuka Laylee too? I think that's getting a physical release now too. I know we don't have a release date but I would imagine holiday 2016 is about right.

Granted, it's not an exclusive. But very much a Nintendo-ish game.

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noname2200 said:
Tamron said:
Looking forward to this thread being necro'd next year for laughs.

Why wait?

A fine wine only gets better with age

Tamron said:
noname2200 said:

Why wait?

A fine wine only gets better with age


Lawlight said:
I don't think the NX will release in 2017 because several of these games were slated for 2016.

Well Nintendo said that they want to satisfy Wii U owners first.

midrange said:
StarOcean said:
We shall see how many of those stay within the 2016 time frame

This, I am so hyped for pikmin 4 and zelda u, but I'm afraid they'll be delayed

Actually, Pikmin 4 isn't confirmed for 2016 and as Wii U title, but I think that chances are good for both.

About Zelda U, I cant see them delaying so big and important game for another year (we know how everybody react for delaying this year even if isnt first Zelda that get delayed), so I am saying Zelda U is 90% 2016. game.

Around the Network
the_dark_lewd said:

Perhaps you should've added Yuka Laylee too? I think that's getting a physical release now too. I know we don't have a release date but I would imagine holiday 2016 is about right.

Granted, it's not an exclusive. But very much a Nintendo-ish game.

Wii U will certainly have some more multiplats, some Indies, Lego, Skylanders or similar titles, but I mentioned only exclusives.

Skullwaker said:
Of course any positive thread about the Wii U will be vilified by people who have nothing to do with it.

I don't understand how someone can have nothing to do with a thread like this.

OP has put forward a proposal and is pretty much inviting people's opinions.  

Kresnik said:
Skullwaker said:
Of course any positive thread about the Wii U will be vilified by people who have nothing to do with it.

I don't understand how someone can have nothing to do with a thread like this.

OP has put forward a proposal and is pretty much inviting people's opinions.  

I've had a Wii U from day 1. Love the games I currently have for it. I think the lineup is severely lacklustre. 3 titles on the list interest me, 1 is completely unannounced (3D Mario), 1 is not confirmed for 2016 or Wii U (Pikmin 4) and the other is looking increasingly likely to be cross gen even if it does hit Wii U (Zelda).

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

iceland said:
gabzjmm23 said:

be careful, you know people that don't follow nintendo news would assume the only games it sell is mario, zelda, mk, smash, and now they'll add splatoon. other than that, everything is niche for nintendo. shhhhh. 

What now? I'm just stating a fact unless you think any of those games can even come close to matching Zelda. Even if we include Pokken as a big title, that's 2 games. Not exactly something I'd call "solid". Like I said, good for Wii U standards. 

knowing Wii U doesn't have 3rd party games. it is still a good lineup. the definition of solid differs from different people's taste.  i'm fine with the lineup.  several games interest me that's it. it might not sell millions on day 1. but it is still a solid lineup for most nintendo wii u owners who have interest on those games and probably going to buy it day one. 

ZeldaU is not guaranteed to release next year or at all and that is the only interesting game on the list.