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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Knowing the big titles coming next year, do you still think the NX will be coming out holiday 2016?


Will the NX launch 2016?

Yes 232 40.07%
No 286 49.40%
See Results 61 10.54%

Zelda and Pikmin are probably NX games. If Pikmin 4 is coming out on a system this generation, it won't be Wii U, it'll be 3DS.


NX will be unveiled in January and released in November 2016.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Around the Network
zorg1000 said:
Magnus said:
zorg1000 said:
Magnus said:

If Nintendo didn't want to release Zelda U exclusively on Wii U they shouldn't have promised to support the console back in 2013, and should have killed it early on like the Virtual Boy. Without an exclusive Zelda, which every single other Nintendo console got, they are not doing the bare minimum that historically every other Nintendo console had. Particularly in 2015 the lineup is horrible. Splatoon, Mario Maker and Hyrule Warriors don't make up for it, they aren't AAA titles and even Virtual Boy got new IP, FFS.

Nintendo Land

New Super Mario Bros U

Lego City Undercover

Game & Wario

New super Luigi U

Pikmin 3

The Wonderful 101

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Wii Party U

Super Mario 3D World

Mario & Sonic Sochi Olympics

Wii Fit U

Dr. Luigi

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Mario Kart 8

Pushmo World

Wii Sports Club

Hyrule Warriors

Bayonetta 2

Super Smash Bros

NES Remix Pack

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Mario Party 10


Art Academy: Home Studio

Super Mario Maker

Yoshi's Woolly World

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Devil's Third

Star Fox Zero

Mario & Sonic Rio Olympics

Pokken Tournament

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

The Legend of Zelda U

Ur right, Nintendo hasn't supported Wii U.

An exclusive Zelda is pretty much required for them to support a console, like Mario. The only other Nintendo console without an exclusive Zelda is the Virtual Boy... that should tell you Nintendo didn´t do the required support.

But it's still getting a Zelda so why does it matter that it also comes to another platform? Why is it OK for Sony/Microsoft/3rd parties to make several cross-generation titles but not Nintendo?

Because every other Nintendo console got an exclusive Zelda... I'm not saying it's not OK for Nintendo to make cross-gen titles. I'm saying it's not OK to make Zelda U a cross-gen title when it's the only Zelda the Wii U will get.

Magnus said:
zorg1000 said:
Magnus said:
zorg1000 said:
Magnus said:

If Nintendo didn't want to release Zelda U exclusively on Wii U they shouldn't have promised to support the console back in 2013, and should have killed it early on like the Virtual Boy. Without an exclusive Zelda, which every single other Nintendo console got, they are not doing the bare minimum that historically every other Nintendo console had. Particularly in 2015 the lineup is horrible. Splatoon, Mario Maker and Hyrule Warriors don't make up for it, they aren't AAA titles and even Virtual Boy got new IP, FFS.

Nintendo Land

New Super Mario Bros U

Lego City Undercover

Game & Wario

New super Luigi U

Pikmin 3

The Wonderful 101

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Wii Party U

Super Mario 3D World

Mario & Sonic Sochi Olympics

Wii Fit U

Dr. Luigi

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Mario Kart 8

Pushmo World

Wii Sports Club

Hyrule Warriors

Bayonetta 2

Super Smash Bros

NES Remix Pack

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Mario Party 10


Art Academy: Home Studio

Super Mario Maker

Yoshi's Woolly World

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Devil's Third

Star Fox Zero

Mario & Sonic Rio Olympics

Pokken Tournament

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

The Legend of Zelda U

Ur right, Nintendo hasn't supported Wii U.

An exclusive Zelda is pretty much required for them to support a console, like Mario. The only other Nintendo console without an exclusive Zelda is the Virtual Boy... that should tell you Nintendo didn´t do the required support.

But it's still getting a Zelda so why does it matter that it also comes to another platform? Why is it OK for Sony/Microsoft/3rd parties to make several cross-generation titles but not Nintendo?

Because every other Nintendo console got an exclusive Zelda... I'm not saying it's not OK for Nintendo to make cross-gen titles. I'm saying it's not OK to make Zelda U a cross-gen title when it's the only Zelda the Wii U will get.

Nintendo fans really are dogmatic about these kinds of "rules" but they really have no basis in reality (Nintendo can't make a cartoony multiplayer Metroid hunters game ... yes they can, and they are. Nintendo can't make Zelda a cartoon, yes they can, and they have ... three times now. Nintendo can't make a console that's not as powerful as its competetion? Well Wii did just that). Every single Nintendo console has lacked some part of their franchise catalog anyway. The Super NES didn't have a real Tetris game. The N64 didn't have a Metroid game. The GameCube didn't have a real Donkey Kong Country game, Punch-Out!, or several other IP. The Wii didn't have a Wave Race or 1080 or F-Zero or Star Fox or Pikmin. Etc. etc. etc. 

Nintendo will do what is the correct BUSINESS decision, not obey arbitrary rules. The Wii U ain't getting a real Animal Crossing either. 

For every fan that stomps their feet and claims they'll never support Nintendo again, you'll have another 2-3 who will end up getting Zelda on NX. If Nintendo had kept Twilight Princess on the GameCube, what would that game have sold? Maybe 1/2 the amount of copies? At best? 

Magnus said:
zorg1000 said:
Magnus said:
zorg1000 said:
Magnus said:

If Nintendo didn't want to release Zelda U exclusively on Wii U they shouldn't have promised to support the console back in 2013, and should have killed it early on like the Virtual Boy. Without an exclusive Zelda, which every single other Nintendo console got, they are not doing the bare minimum that historically every other Nintendo console had. Particularly in 2015 the lineup is horrible. Splatoon, Mario Maker and Hyrule Warriors don't make up for it, they aren't AAA titles and even Virtual Boy got new IP, FFS.

Nintendo Land

New Super Mario Bros U

Lego City Undercover

Game & Wario

New super Luigi U

Pikmin 3

The Wonderful 101

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Wii Party U

Super Mario 3D World

Mario & Sonic Sochi Olympics

Wii Fit U

Dr. Luigi

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Mario Kart 8

Pushmo World

Wii Sports Club

Hyrule Warriors

Bayonetta 2

Super Smash Bros

NES Remix Pack

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Mario Party 10


Art Academy: Home Studio

Super Mario Maker

Yoshi's Woolly World

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Devil's Third

Star Fox Zero

Mario & Sonic Rio Olympics

Pokken Tournament

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

The Legend of Zelda U

Ur right, Nintendo hasn't supported Wii U.

An exclusive Zelda is pretty much required for them to support a console, like Mario. The only other Nintendo console without an exclusive Zelda is the Virtual Boy... that should tell you Nintendo didn´t do the required support.

But it's still getting a Zelda so why does it matter that it also comes to another platform? Why is it OK for Sony/Microsoft/3rd parties to make several cross-generation titles but not Nintendo?

Because every other Nintendo console got an exclusive Zelda... I'm not saying it's not OK for Nintendo to make cross-gen titles. I'm saying it's not OK to make Zelda U a cross-gen title when it's the only Zelda the Wii U will get.

Soundwave put it pretty well, u and others are just making up random rules that u feel Nintendo has to follow without any good reason other than, "because that's how it's always been!!"

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

Don't the people who watch E3 generally look a lot into consoles and would know what the specs are? Wouldn't you also say that those people would probably lose a lot of interest in a weak machine? Wouldn't an exclusive LoZ help get those people to purchase a Wii U? Don't a lot of people (especially ones who tune in to E3) already know the NX is coming?

You want to take a bad situation and make it a million times worse. Drop the Wii U price, show off LoZ, make some exclusive amiibo for it and Nintendo will be fine financially. 

No one but a whiny minority of fans on the internet thinks its a good idea to release another underpowered console and make the wii u lose its biggest exclusive.

No. Zelda is not going to change the fact that Wii U is going to finish at a mediocre 15-17 million units and be the worst selling Nintendo console.

The only thing changing that is a new Wii U controller that gives people orgasms. Price cuts, Zelda, no. I know the denial of how bad a failure the Wii U is really runs deep among some people, but it's time to accept that that system is not bouncing back. It's over. Done. Finished. 

People will see NX announced/shown and that will cause whatever remaining Wii U sales (and 3DS if it's a unified platform) to crater. 

Thats not what he said at all, he said Ninty will be fine financially. You know you don't have an arguement when you have to twist someones words. He didn't say Zelda will save the WiiU. You are so desperate its hilarious, its like you get off to calling the WiiU a failure lol. Is it even confirmed they are showing NX or did Iwata only say they are going to talk about it?

Around the Network
Eddie_Raja said:
bigtakilla said:

So, a lot of people here assumed that 2016 there would be no games coming to the Wii U, except LoZ, but that would be cross platform. However, there seems to be enough titles that I'm still convinced the NX will be a 2017 launch. Let's just look at the big titles we know are coming.


LoZ Wii U

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

*Edit* Pikmin 4 

*EDIT EDIT* Looks like Star Fox can be thrown in the mix. Looks like it can be a pretty significant last hurrah for Nintendo before the NX 2017 launch.

Add one more bigger project (with the inclusion of Pikmin 4, we are pretty much at the bar for bigger titles) and count the smaller projects like Mario and Sonic at the 2016 Olympics (this is a thing right?) and it looks like any of the other years release schedule for the Wii U. That said, I hope we do get an announcement at E3 this year on what the NX is and what it looks like. So what do you think? 

I gauruntee at least half of these games will launch on the NX.   It is still coming out in 2016

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

Nintyfan90 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
bigtakilla said:

So, a lot of people here assumed that 2016 there would be no games coming to the Wii U, except LoZ, but that would be cross platform. However, there seems to be enough titles that I'm still convinced the NX will be a 2017 launch. Let's just look at the big titles we know are coming.


LoZ Wii U

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

*Edit* Pikmin 4 

*EDIT EDIT* Looks like Star Fox can be thrown in the mix. Looks like it can be a pretty significant last hurrah for Nintendo before the NX 2017 launch.

Add one more bigger project (with the inclusion of Pikmin 4, we are pretty much at the bar for bigger titles) and count the smaller projects like Mario and Sonic at the 2016 Olympics (this is a thing right?) and it looks like any of the other years release schedule for the Wii U. That said, I hope we do get an announcement at E3 this year on what the NX is and what it looks like. So what do you think? 

I gauruntee at least half of these games will launch on the NX.   It is still coming out in 2016

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

LOL I will have no problem admitting it.  Either way the NX is coming in 2016 so it would be dumb not too if they don't.

Prediction for console Lifetime sales:

Wii:100-120 million, PS3:80-110 million, 360:70-100 million

[Prediction Made 11/5/2009]

3DS: 65m, PSV: 22m, Wii U: 18-22m, PS4: 80-120m, X1: 35-55m

I gauruntee the PS5 comes out after only 5-6 years after the launch of the PS4.

[Prediction Made 6/18/2014]

Nintyfan90 said:
Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

Don't the people who watch E3 generally look a lot into consoles and would know what the specs are? Wouldn't you also say that those people would probably lose a lot of interest in a weak machine? Wouldn't an exclusive LoZ help get those people to purchase a Wii U? Don't a lot of people (especially ones who tune in to E3) already know the NX is coming?

You want to take a bad situation and make it a million times worse. Drop the Wii U price, show off LoZ, make some exclusive amiibo for it and Nintendo will be fine financially. 

No one but a whiny minority of fans on the internet thinks its a good idea to release another underpowered console and make the wii u lose its biggest exclusive.

No. Zelda is not going to change the fact that Wii U is going to finish at a mediocre 15-17 million units and be the worst selling Nintendo console.

The only thing changing that is a new Wii U controller that gives people orgasms. Price cuts, Zelda, no. I know the denial of how bad a failure the Wii U is really runs deep among some people, but it's time to accept that that system is not bouncing back. It's over. Done. Finished. 

People will see NX announced/shown and that will cause whatever remaining Wii U sales (and 3DS if it's a unified platform) to crater. 

Thats not what he said at all, he said Ninty will be fine financially. You know you don't have an arguement when you have to twist someones words. He didn't say Zelda will save the WiiU. You are so desperate its hilarious, its like you get off to calling the WiiU a failure lol. Is it even confirmed they are showing NX or did Iwata only say they are going to talk about it?

What exactly is your arguement? That's its ok for Nintendo to throw away an entire fiscal year and their stockholders will be fine with that? 

Sweet merciful crap I don't even understand the mentality of some of these so-called "Nintendo fans", you're probably getting NEW hardware next year that's a GOOD freaking thing, you guys are crying like a little kid being forced to take cough medicine. New hardware is good, it makes the games better, it has evey single generation. 

Boo freaking hoo you'll have a new, most likely better in every way Nintendo platform(s) maybe around this time next year. How freaking terrible. 

The amount of whining and victim-claiming on this board over this subject is just freaking hiliarous. And yes Nintendo confirmed they are showing NX next year. And that's GOOD. Only video game fans somehow in some weird way think new products are a bad thing. 

Soundwave said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

Don't the people who watch E3 generally look a lot into consoles and would know what the specs are? Wouldn't you also say that those people would probably lose a lot of interest in a weak machine? Wouldn't an exclusive LoZ help get those people to purchase a Wii U? Don't a lot of people (especially ones who tune in to E3) already know the NX is coming?

You want to take a bad situation and make it a million times worse. Drop the Wii U price, show off LoZ, make some exclusive amiibo for it and Nintendo will be fine financially. 

No one but a whiny minority of fans on the internet thinks its a good idea to release another underpowered console and make the wii u lose its biggest exclusive.

No. Zelda is not going to change the fact that Wii U is going to finish at a mediocre 15-17 million units and be the worst selling Nintendo console.

The only thing changing that is a new Wii U controller that gives people orgasms. Price cuts, Zelda, no. I know the denial of how bad a failure the Wii U is really runs deep among some people, but it's time to accept that that system is not bouncing back. It's over. Done. Finished. 

People will see NX announced/shown and that will cause whatever remaining Wii U sales (and 3DS if it's a unified platform) to crater. 

Thats not what he said at all, he said Ninty will be fine financially. You know you don't have an arguement when you have to twist someones words. He didn't say Zelda will save the WiiU. You are so desperate its hilarious, its like you get off to calling the WiiU a failure lol. Is it even confirmed they are showing NX or did Iwata only say they are going to talk about it?

What exactly is your arguement? That's its ok for Nintendo to throw away an entire fiscal year and their stockholders will be fine with that? 

Sweet merciful crap I don't even understand the mentality of some of these so-called "Nintendo fans", you're probably getting NEW hardware next year that's a GOOD freaking thing, you guys are crying like a little kid being forced to take cough medicine. New hardware is good, it makes the games better, it has evey single generation. 

Boo freaking hoo you'll have a new, most likely better in every way Nintendo platform(s) maybe around this time next year. How freaking terrible. 

The amount of whining and victim-claiming on this board over this subject is just freaking hiliarous. And yes Nintendo confirmed they are showing NX next year. And that's GOOD. Only video game fans somehow in some weird way think new products are a bad thing. 

Do you have that quote because all I can find is they will talk about it?

Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

LOL I will have no problem admitting it.  Either way the NX is coming in 2016 so it would be dumb not too if they don't.

The only thing dumb is people that think NX in 2016 is gaurunteed. WiiU's 2016 looks no different from any other WiiU year. No matter how much spin and hot air people come up with.