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Forums - Gaming Discussion - XBOX ONE vs PLAYSTATION 4 Exclusives showdown, Post TGS.

Normchacho said:
AEGRO said:


I love VG Chartz LOL

Plus, realistically VGC isn't that bad. I was reading through some comments on Gamespot earlier today and holly crap that place is awful. Compared to most gaming sites this place is an oasis of reason and civility.

I think the mods for the most part make a good job in keeping things civil around here.

Even tho ive seen a couple of VGC veterans who go away with things that i would be permabanned instantly if i say that.

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Normchacho said:
AEGRO said:


I love VG Chartz LOL

Plus, realistically VGC isn't that bad. I was reading through some comments on Gamespot earlier today and holly crap that place is awful. Compared to most gaming sites this place is an oasis of reason and civility.

Agree, compared with the rest of forums this one is pretty good, but man I´m giving my opinion about how much I hate this kind of lists and someone thinks I´m trying to easy my trouble soul, dear God xD I take my discussions seriously but that´s anoher level. VGC would be way less fun without debate, so that´s ok.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Goodnightmoon said:
GribbleGrunger said:
alternine said:

Damn shame too. Welp put this thread in the "Locked" file I guess.

There really is no point any more. It's so obvious now that only those you couldn't possibly reason with are the only ones left. Facts don't matter to these types, they'll just find any way possible to ease their troubled souls. I've had enough of this nonsense, but if others want to keep on trucking, fair enough.

Gotta love the drama of this forums

The drama is ALMOST ALWAYS created by the same people , this thread proves it.

Thread was 3 pages and i come to the site and thread exploded i knew right away why and who was involved.

When the topic is sony or is sony related you know the same people will come to the thread to :


-Create console wars - It was not the fucking OP that create or its list that create it.

-Create off topic - Its always the same ones.

I just dont know what is wrong with some people in VGchartz, for every Zero that gets a permaban you get 2 more like him or worse the month after.

At least I only give my opinion and you can debate it, instead of insulting people and making it absolutely personal as you do, I still remember when you named 3 persons of this forum and you called them literally "fanboy/haters/nolife " for giving their opinion, so you are not the best rol model to begin with. Imagine if everytime someone has a bad opinion about something Microsoft or Nintendo related (like every day) people insulted the others as you do, that would really be a disaster and not a little bit of debate, wich is something essential in a forum like this.

BraLoD said:
Goodnightmoon said:

At least I only give my opinion and you can debate it, instead of insulting people and making it absolutely personal as you do, I still remember when you named 3 persons of this forum and you called them literally "fanboy/haters/nolife " for giving their opinion, so you are not the best rol model to begin with. Imagine if everytime someone has a bad opinion about something Microsoft or Nintendo related (like every day) people insulted the others as you do, that would really be a disaster and not a little bit of debate, wich is something essential in a forum like this.

Pretty funny you call him for being personal, by being personal about him while writing it.

I wish we could thumbs up posts.  

Quite a trashed thread these past few pages.

Nice to see a list for all the games I need to buy... And TBH I sometimes need reminding for the list is only getting bigger.

MS needs to step up their 1st party if they want to compete. Year 2 360 had Halo and Gears, Year 2 XB1 only Halo. 4 racing games 360 to 3. Crackdown vs nothing. Blue Dragon vs nothing ish.
It just seems like MS is not even trying anymore.

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BraLoD said:
Goodnightmoon said:

At least I only give my opinion and you can debate it, instead of insulting people and making it absolutely personal as you do, I still remember when you named 3 persons of this forum and you called them literally "fanboy/haters/nolife " for giving their opinion, so you are not the best rol model to begin with. Imagine if everytime someone has a bad opinion about something Microsoft or Nintendo related (like every day) people insulted the others as you do, that would really be a disaster and not a little bit of debate, wich is something essential in a forum like this.

Pretty funny you call him for being personal, by being personal about him while writing it.

I´m not treating him as he was my enemy because he disagrees with me, I´m not making it personal, Im stating a fact that happened little time ago that contradicts the morality of his post specially while he is calling me Zero (aka Troll/Fanboy) very clearly in that same post, wich is almost a direct insult, I´m not the one making it personal.

Good guy X1 keeping it simple by having a short and easy to remember list of great games instead of a jungle of weeabo games.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Good guy X1 keeping it simple by having a short and easy to remember list of great games instead of a jungle of weeabo games.

Hahaha God Dammit Vivster! Weeabo games..

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Farsala said:
Quite a trashed thread these past few pages.

Nice to see a list for all the games I need to buy... And TBH I sometimes need reminding for the list is only getting bigger.

MS needs to step up their 1st party if they want to compete. Year 2 360 had Halo and Gears, Year 2 XB1 only Halo. 4 racing games 360 to 3. Crackdown vs nothing. Blue Dragon vs nothing ish.
It just seems like MS is not even trying anymore.

I wouldn't say MS isn't trying, it's just the fact that they have very few 1st party developers.

The only studios they have who've made a AAA game are 343i (Halo), Turn 10 (Forza), Lionhead (Fable), Rare. Rest of their studios have never made a major retail game, It's all been crappy kinect titles for all their other studios. 

MS should've created more 1st party studios and nurtured them through last gen, but they decided to just coast on 3rd party marketing deals alone. It takes time for a developer to create a successful franchise and find their footing, and MS has never been intrested in going through that process, they've always been the company that buys an already proven developer/franchise rather than building one. This is very clear from the fact that the two big developers they have now are both working on franchises that other developers created and made successful namely Halo and Gears of War.

Dafaq just happen ?