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Forums - Sales Discussion - August 2015 NPD Thread! PS4, XBO, Wii U estimates up!

JRPGfan said:
jlmurph2 said:

I'm wondering if he's being sarcastic

I mean the PS vita isnt even mentioned, compaired to that the 3DS sales are pretty monsterous.

Also at 54million units sold... thats by no means bad.

It's kinda bad. You shouldn't compare anthing to PS Vita. Probably even the Wii U will outsell Vita this gen. 

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TheGoldenBoy said:
JRPGfan said:
September and oktober should be the PS4 wins again... so next close month would be around november?

XBox One needs to hit it out the ball park, if it wants to catch up to the ps4 when realistically its only a few months of the year it has a chance to win. It needs to have a amasing november/december, if its to regain any ground.

October has Halo 5 so that one should be interesting.

I think october is the ps4's mnth yet again for one simple reason. Whaats better than halo 5 on october? Halo 5 on novenber with the likely insane x1 deals like the year before. Its almost garanteed that MS will do something big again to save face in front of the ps4 this year. So I think everyone is aware of this and will just wait the one etra month for that back friday sale. Halo the game will sell tons maybe, but people will wait for black friday to see many more consoles moving. Not waiting a month will just seem stupid.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

I was expecting 100k for Until dawn, not bad. Hopefully it will have some legs

ArchangelMadzz said:
PS4 wins by about 20-30k

Try 7k lol. I think, minus huge launch periods like Uncharted, the days of PS4 lop sided wins are over.

AlfredoTurkey said:

Try 7k lol. I think, minus huge launch periods like Uncharted, the days of PS4 lop sided wins are over.

Most people are expecting Xbone to win because the HUGE TV deal... I said it will be PS4 because the HUGE TV deal won't make the difference (it is a big deal but not enough to catch the PS4 sales) and Sony countered the Madden bundle in a nice way.

If MS did nothing it could have sold less than 150k.

That is the Xbone baseline in US without big deals/promotions.

Edit - Fixed to be clear.

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AlfredoTurkey said:
ArchangelMadzz said:
PS4 wins by about 20-30k

Try 7k lol. I think, minus huge launch periods like Uncharted, the days of PS4 lop sided wins are over.

I doubt it. MS had more reasons to win August than Sony did and still lost, if only by a little bit.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

ethomaz said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

Try 7k lol. I think, minus huge launch periods like Uncharted, the days of PS4 lop sided wins are over.

Most people are expecting Xbone to win because the HUGE TV deal... I said it will be PS4 because the HUGE TV deal won't make difference and Sony countered the Madden bundle in a nice way.

If MS did nothing it could have sold less than 150k.

That is the Xbone baseline in US without big deals/promotions.

Yeah, I have no idea why anyone would predict Xbox One dominance based on a TV deal lol. It's obvious that core gamers are fueling this generation and while yes, we all would love a TV, it's not going to be something that pushes us to buy a console we didn't want prior to the TV being shoved in our faces.

I honestly think, as far as the US goes, that Xbox One is just getting back to where it was brand wise. Don Mattrick took what use to be a US core gamer juggernaut (360) and tried turning it into a casual love letter to Wii. I think that the whole anti used game push/Kinect 2/tv,tv,tv thing in 2013 was the culmination of his failed vision and now, we're going to see sales meet parallel with one another or close to it. 

Ever since Mattrick and his team left and Spencer's team took over, we've seen a massive shift back to the day when the Xbox brand was actually vaulable in the eyes of the gaming community. Taking Kinect out and basically just shutting it down, putting TV so far out of focus that it's almost invisible, redesigning the entire UI so it actually runs great, Backwards compatibility, focusing on growing IP instead of just buying it etc.... I think the sales are starting to show the pay off. 

Only time will tell, obviously, but I would be shocked to see PS4 ever jump back into that position, US wise, where it can't be reached. World wide it will always be a slaughter, but not in the US.

Any comparisons with last gen? even the current leaders seem to perform mediocre at best.

AlfredoTurkey said:

Yeah, I have no idea why anyone would predict Xbox One dominance based on a TV deal lol. It's obvious that core gamers are fueling this generation and while yes, we all would love a TV, it's not going to be something that pushes us to buy a console we didn't want prior to the TV being shoved in our faces.

I honestly think, as far as the US goes, that Xbox One is just getting back to where it was brand wise. Don Mattrick took what use to be a US core gamer juggernaut (360) and tried turning it into a casual love letter to Wii. I think that the whole anti used game push/Kinect 2/tv,tv,tv thing in 2013 was the culmination of his failed vision and now, we're going to see sales meet parallel with one another or close to it. 

Ever since Mattrick and his team left and Spencer's team took over, we've seen a massive shift back to the day when the Xbox brand was actually vaulable in the eyes of the gaming community. Taking Kinect out and basically just shutting it down, putting TV so far out of focus that it's almost invisible, redesigning the entire UI so it actually runs great, Backwards compatibility, focusing on growing IP instead of just buying it etc.... I think the sales are starting to show the pay off. 

Only time will tell, obviously, but I would be shocked to see PS4 ever jump back into that position, US wise, where it can't be reached. World wide it will always be a slaughter, but not in the US.

I kind of agree with you.

I think MS is holding Xbone sales doing great deals every month (they saw how low they can go without these deals last year) and that is good and bad at the same time... it is good because they hold markeshare againt PS4 and increase the user base but it is bad because they lose profit (maybe a lot).

Xbone in normal way will never sell like PS4 in US even costing $50 less... they need a big gap in price or big deals (they choose this one).

Of course Xbone will win one or two months per year due a big release but PS4 will be always ahead overall.

And I don't think Mattrick was the issue with Xbone because 90% of the staff continue working with Xbone... what happened was a combination of surprise (becase Sony announced the PS4 early) and bad project in hands... they passed 2013 only doing fixes to Xbone project (OS, hardware, etc) to release in rushed way.

The MS team was forced to change their mind... that is not a Mattick issue... if Mattick was what MS today he will be changed too because the way they are doing  before was not acceptable by the market... you can't go againt the market, against what people whats... even your ideias are good at the end you need to sell your product.

AlfredoTurkey said:
ethomaz said:
AlfredoTurkey said:


Yeah, I have no idea why anyone would predict Xbox One dominance based on a TV deal lol. It's obvious that core gamers are fueling this generation and while yes, we all would love a TV, it's not going to be something that pushes us to buy a console we didn't want prior to the TV being shoved in our faces.

I honestly think, as far as the US goes, that Xbox One is just getting back to where it was brand wise. Don Mattrick took what use to be a US core gamer juggernaut (360) and tried turning it into a casual love letter to Wii. I think that the whole anti used game push/Kinect 2/tv,tv,tv thing in 2013 was the culmination of his failed vision and now, we're going to see sales meet parallel with one another or close to it. 

Ever since Mattrick and his team left and Spencer's team took over, we've seen a massive shift back to the day when the Xbox brand was actually vaulable in the eyes of the gaming community. Taking Kinect out and basically just shutting it down, putting TV so far out of focus that it's almost invisible, redesigning the entire UI so it actually runs great, Backwards compatibility, focusing on growing IP instead of just buying it etc.... I think the sales are starting to show the pay off. 

Only time will tell, obviously, but I would be shocked to see PS4 ever jump back into that position, US wise, where it can't be reached. World wide it will always be a slaughter, but not in the US.

Even ignoring the TV deal, they had Gears, RR, and the Madden bundle last month. Comparing that to the fairly sparse month the PS4 had (just Until Dawn I think) shows that there is good evidence to suggest that the PS4 will continue to outsell the Xbox One by a decent margin when all things are equal.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.