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ethomaz said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

Try 7k lol. I think, minus huge launch periods like Uncharted, the days of PS4 lop sided wins are over.

Most people are expecting Xbone to win because the HUGE TV deal... I said it will be PS4 because the HUGE TV deal won't make difference and Sony countered the Madden bundle in a nice way.

If MS did nothing it could have sold less than 150k.

That is the Xbone baseline in US without big deals/promotions.

Yeah, I have no idea why anyone would predict Xbox One dominance based on a TV deal lol. It's obvious that core gamers are fueling this generation and while yes, we all would love a TV, it's not going to be something that pushes us to buy a console we didn't want prior to the TV being shoved in our faces.

I honestly think, as far as the US goes, that Xbox One is just getting back to where it was brand wise. Don Mattrick took what use to be a US core gamer juggernaut (360) and tried turning it into a casual love letter to Wii. I think that the whole anti used game push/Kinect 2/tv,tv,tv thing in 2013 was the culmination of his failed vision and now, we're going to see sales meet parallel with one another or close to it. 

Ever since Mattrick and his team left and Spencer's team took over, we've seen a massive shift back to the day when the Xbox brand was actually vaulable in the eyes of the gaming community. Taking Kinect out and basically just shutting it down, putting TV so far out of focus that it's almost invisible, redesigning the entire UI so it actually runs great, Backwards compatibility, focusing on growing IP instead of just buying it etc.... I think the sales are starting to show the pay off. 

Only time will tell, obviously, but I would be shocked to see PS4 ever jump back into that position, US wise, where it can't be reached. World wide it will always be a slaughter, but not in the US.