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Forums - Politics Discussion - Hungarian Camerawoman Fired After Tripping Refugees Fleeing Police

- incident was captured on video by a German correspondent Stephan Richter

- incident happened as docens of refugees try to escape the police in an overcrowded camp near the Hungarian-Serbian border

- a camerawoman, who was working for Hungarian broadcaster N1TV, appears to trip a man holding a child as she films the scene

(15 secs in)

- The TV Station said the following in a statement, without identifying the ideantity of the camerawoman:

“Today, a N1TV colleague behaved unacceptably at the Roeszke reception center. The cameraman’s employment was terminated with immediate effect,”

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it looked like he was going down either way... but still that is no way to carry on, hope the kid was okay, he came down pretty hard on him but it looks like heavy grass so should hopefully have broken the fall a bit.

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Hungary really needs to get their sh*t together. Even if they don't agree with asylum or whatever, there has to be a better way of treating people than this. Scenes like this are not exactly putting Hungary in a good light. As for this incident in specific I don't think it was that big of a deal, but oh well. 

She shouldn't have interfered with them.

Crazy times in Europe... glad I visited before all this shit began happening.

Good, she deserves it. What a terrible human being, you can't just do that and leave unpunished. What the hell is happening in the Hungarian border? They are treating refugees like... livestock. Just awful...

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Volterra_90 said:
Good, she deserves it. What a terrible human being, you can't just do that and leave unpunished. What the hell is happening in the Hungarian border? They are treating refugees like... livestock. Just awful...

Well, no they're treating it like a border, if it was treated like Livestock there would have been a fence up to stop them going in surely?

Have to remember that a large number of people leaving along with the refugee's could very easily be those who are causing the havok in their country of origin, can completely understand the guards at the border wanting to at least try to track who is coming into their country.

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Well, she kinda deserves it.It dosent matter her opinion about the illegal immigrants situation, she acted in ill spirit.
Now to the matter at hand, its a difficult situation.On one hand, they are fleeing from a bad place to live, and the places they are from really needs help.But in another hand, its not the job of the european countrys to help them, its their own country that needs improving.But the most problematic topic is that they bring, and im not being mean at saying this, proverty with them.The state will need to feed them, shelter them, find them jobs, and all this amongs a crisis that Europe is facing today.Not to mention that, while many of them may be good people, there may also be war criminals amongs them, and just plain bad people that are labeled as "victims" amongs the ones that really need help.Its my opinion, but im on the police side.Just giving shelter and all isnt the solution.

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Volterra_90 said:
Good, she deserves it. What a terrible human being, you can't just do that and leave unpunished. What the hell is happening in the Hungarian border? They are treating refugees like... livestock. Just awful...

they are a bunch of rightwing idiots that fear that they dont get as much money from the EU when western europe helps a million refugees.


just let austria rule their lands again, that worked well for centurys.

I like how racism is fine when it's against whitey.

I also like how no one's suggesting to just end the fucking war already.



Wow, that's so sad. I had no idea the situation had gotten so bad :O.
She deserved to be fired. I guess she was probably angry since she got pushed by the people fleeing, but she shouldn't have reacted and tried to trip them.


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