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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sales for Gran Turismo Series, GT6 overtracked on VGC

walsufnir said:

Is that unique downloads? What is with people who sold the game so another user downloads the dlc?

Sorry, this doesn't tell much.


This is a report of less than 2 months (the cars was avaiable late June and the report in early August).
You are telling me 130k people sold the game and these 130k was bought in less than 2 months?
You are telling me 100% of GT6 owners in August 2014 downloaded the free car?
You are telling me nobody bought GT6 after August 2014 even when you can see it on chartz in EU and Japan reached 500k in December 2014?

Yeap... this down't tell much lol

The report is a lie.

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That's pretty horrible for a GT game. Now I understand why Play-asia had to give out free copies.

NiKKoM said:

but its a court order document from august 21, 2015.. you think SCEA is lying to the court about the numbers?

Outdated numbers? Some "filter" in the numbers (period, retail only, digital only, etc)? I don't know.

The number is impossible.

ethomaz said:

Another fact... GT6 first DLC was 2.5m downloads at sometime.... so this number is really bullshit.

The Aston Martin's Vision GT project, the DP-100, was downloaded by over 2.5 million people in Gran Turismo 6 as of August 2014.

But I'm sure many people also bought the game used. So these sales kinda do make sense. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

MoHasanie said:

But I'm sure many people also bought the game used. So these sales kinda do make sense.

Yeap... right... in less than 2 months with 100% attache rate for both the original and the used guy.

Read here:

How that makes sense?

Around the Network
ethomaz said:

MoHasanie said:

But I'm sure many people also bought the game used. So these sales kinda do make sense.

Yeap... right... in less than 2 months with 100% attache rate for both the original and the used guy.

Read here:

How that makes sense?

What your saying could be true, but as nikkom said, Sony wouldn't lie in a court. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

ethomaz said:

walsufnir said:

Is that unique downloads? What is with people who sold the game so another user downloads the dlc?

Sorry, this doesn't tell much.


This is a report of less than 2 months (the cars was avaiable late June and the report in early August).
You are telling me 130k people sold the game and these 130k was bought in less than 2 months?
You are telling me 100% of GT6 owners in August 2014 downloaded the free car?
You are telling me nobody bought GT6 after August 2014 even when you can see it on chartz in EU and Japan reached 500k in December 2014?

Yeap... this down't tell much lol

The report is a lie.


No, we rather believe whoever was the source for this number and we are not allowed to ask whether it is only unique downloads at all because obvious reasons. The number here is official number from SCEA, isn't it? What is the source from the dlc downloads?

MoHasanie said:

What your saying could be true, but as nikkom said, Sony wouldn't lie in a court.


The lies is in the own court document.

When the lawsuit started? Do you know? I'm sure the numbers supplied were from when Sony needed to show the numbers to the court and not when they published the results (August 2015).

You need to read the Id. ¶ 28. to know when the court numbers are appointing to.


Now I can understand the number after read the court document.


I need to find when the court action started.

Anyway the best part... cause Sony won the case there won't be a big ass 1gb patch to remove VIRAG stuff from the game..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

walsufnir said:

No, we rather believe whoever was the source for this number and we are not allowed to ask whether it is only unique downloads at all because obvious reasons. The number here is official number from SCEA, isn't it? What is the source from the dlc downloads?

Sony lol


BTW I read the court document and people jumped the gun with the numbers... the court document says these are the numbers supplied by Sony when they asked for them (when?) and not when they published the court document (August 2015).

You know the action could wasted over a year to ends and this numbers in Sony defense appresented in May 2014?

And to make this claim you need to read the Id. ¶ 28... we don't have access to it.



PS. Can mods change the thread title to explain the numbers are not accurate.