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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why do people think the next Zelda will be on NX?

I'm also tired of the "yeah but Wii U will be the first Nintendo console without an exclusive Zelda!".

So what? The N64 didn't Metroid or Punch-Out! which were Nintendo staples until that point.

The GameCube didn't have a proper Donkey Kong platformer, an exclusive "realistic" Zelda, or Punch-Out, or Pilotwings, no Yoshi platformer, and we didn't get the Perfect Dark or Banjo games we were promised at Spaceworld, no 2D Mario and some would say no proper "Mario 128". 

The Wii didn't have F-Zero, or Wave Race, or Pikmin (new), or Star Fox, or 1080, or Kobe Bryant/Ken Griffey, or Star Wars Rogue Squardon, or Yoshi.

The Wii U has Splatoon, Bayonetta, and Mario Maker as well, something no Nintendo console before have had.

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Soundwave said:

Zelda: Twilight Princess probably sold double or even triple the amount it would have had Nintendo left it on the GameCube by virtue of making a Wii version.

And no, you're not a special snowflake if you're arguing Zelda U shouldn't be on NX. There were plenty of GameCube fans on the internet who were pissed about Twilight Princess being re-positioned as basically a Wii launch title back in 2005/06 too. "You promised us realistic Zelda since Spaceworld 2000! Not that crappy cell-shaded one! Now you're moving it to Wii! F*ck you Nintendo, I'll never support you again!!!". Blah, blah, blah.

Those people were wrong. And they all ended up buying a Wii anyway. Simple as that.

Beyond that Zelda U is fairly likely to be the most expensive game Nintendo has ever made. Ambitious, big open world HD adventure game with a 4+ year development cycle? Yeah, don't see Nintendo leaving that on the Wii U to sell half the copies it would otherwise just so a vocal MINORITY on the internet needs to have their feelings validated.

This is a business. And like Twilight Princess, dual releasing the next Zelda on both the Wii U and NX launch window is 100% the correct business move.

But the Wii got twilight Princess just because the wii was technically almost a gamecube and had full bc. They just add a new controls and mirroring the world. Thats it. The Wii Version may took them 1-4 weeks at most.

NX is a completly different situation. Its very likely that it wont have PowerPC CPU. I explained everything in the Topic.


Its does not only have to "make sense", it also have to be manageable. And i highly doubt that the Zelda team have enough ressources to finish Zelda Wii U in 2016 AND do the NX Port. Its nothing like Twilight Princess where the Wii Port was no effort.


And "quick cash" dont have to make sense in any way.

Look at companies like EA and Ubisoft, who make alot of those "quick cash" decissions and where they are now. Assassins Creed selling less every year.

Reputation of a company does also have alot worth, special for a console company. Like I said, a Zelda on NX may boost NX sales a bit, but it could also reduce the sales. People could think "Wii U got not exclusive Zelda, so NX might also get no exclusive Zelda. I wiill skip NX and get Zelda NX on the next system". Many people are already thinking "I will not get NX on release, if the system failes again Nintendo will just make a new system again and move all NX games and ressources to the next system". A Zelda Wii U Port on NX will make this situation even worse.


If Nintendo would just go for "Effort to make in relation to sales", they wont do games like Zelda at all. Like i said multiple times, Mario Kart, Smash and many other Nintendo games do outsell Zelda by high numbers. Even Mario Party sold more on Wii as Zelda. All those games are alot cheaper to make as a Zelda game. Zelda is not their franchise to make big profit. A Mario Kart 9, Smash Bros NX, Mario Party NX and co are all more likely as Zelda Wii U on NX.


Also Nintendo notices with the wii u that games alone dont sell system. Their biggest blockbusters (Smash, 3d Mario, Mario Kart) are all on the wii u. Sales still very weak. Zelda Wii U on release wont help as much as many people think. They need a new gimmick like in the wii era OR make a powerfull system to compete with PS5 and XBox2. Everything else wont work.


If the game is exclusive to wii u it might sell less copies overall, but more wii u´s will sell, because many people just wait for the next zelda. If they have to get it on wii u, they wil buy the whole system + zelda + probl some other games (bayonetta, Splatoon, Smash, Mario Kart and co) = alot cash.

If NX will have an own strong lineup, it wont need zelda to boost the sales. And if games like Mario kart 9 are easier to make like a Zelda Wii U Port, why bother with zelda? Mario Kart is alot bigger. 


Anyway, we didnt even know what NX will be. We dont know if it will be a home console replacement (according to Nintendo it wont). Maybe its a tablet or a smartphone, maybe a software like Steam/SteamOS/Android/iOS, maybe its a new handheld, maybe its a new home console. Nobody knows. But people are acting like, zelda wii u is 100% on NX. Hell its not :D 

Soundwave said:

Zelda: Twilight Princess probably sold double or even triple the amount it would have had Nintendo left it on the GameCube by virtue of making a Wii version.

And no, you're not a special snowflake if you're arguing Zelda U shouldn't be on NX. There were plenty of GameCube fans on the internet who were pissed about Twilight Princess being re-positioned as basically a Wii launch title back in 2005/06 too. "You promised us realistic Zelda since Spaceworld 2000! Not that crappy cell-shaded one! Now you're moving it to Wii! F*ck you Nintendo, I'll never support you again!!!". Blah, blah, blah.

Those people were wrong. And they all ended up buying a Wii anyway. Simple as that.

Beyond that Zelda U is fairly likely to be the most expensive game Nintendo has ever made. Ambitious, big open world HD adventure game with a 4+ year development cycle? Yeah, don't see Nintendo leaving that on the Wii U to sell half the copies it would otherwise just so a vocal MINORITY on the internet needs to have their feelings validated.

This is a business. And like Twilight Princess, dual releasing the next Zelda on both the Wii U and NX launch window is 100% the correct business move.

Good points here, I agree with this

Currently most hyped for: FFXV and Zelda U