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Forums - Politics Discussion - Fox News cowers to Trump

cheshirescat said:
Trump is the Fred Phelps of the business world. He storms in, borrows money, says outrageous things hoping against hope to bait someone, anyone, to call him on his bullshit so he can unleash a cavalcade of lawyers to litigate his detractors into submission. I'll probably get a cease and desist letter from one of Trump's representatives for this post.

We'll be in touch, don't you worry

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Protendo said:

Hope you guys saw the show.

Fox did some major Trump butt kissing.

It is hilarious to see FOX do a complete 180 in the FOX & Friends incomparison to the questions asked in the GOP presidental debate.  Just simply look at the list of questions that were asked to Donald Trump in the debate found here:

It is mind-blowing that the first question that was asked at the debate wasn't how to fix the 18 trillion dollar debt or the recent Iran nuclear deal, but rather comments directed at Rosie O'donnell.  The second question that Trump was asked was intended to create hostility between him and Bush.  

You then have people who feel sorry for these moderators as if they had no clue what they were getting themselves into!  They knew Trump was explosive and they still wanted to get under his skin.  I thought these debates were to inform the people of the United States on where these candidates stand on certain issues.  If Megyn Kelly & Company can't take the criticism, then don't dish it out.  Perhaps they should, oh I don't know, focus on more pertintent issues next time.

I would also like to add how biased FOX was after the debate.  Despite the Drudge Report and the TIME poll showing that Trump won the debate at 45% and 47% respectively, they mentioned how the people thought that Marco Rubio won the debate.  Huh?  Not according to the polls.  It is laughable to hear the analysts consistently talk badly about Trump and how his numbers were going to go down.  

Trump announces that he will run for president -  Media says he won't last very long.

Trump says insulting comments to Rick Perry, McCain, breast pump "disgusting" comment etc - Media says his numbers will go WAY down, he is done. 

Trump then makes comments towards Rosie O'Donnell, Megyn Kelly, Brett Baier, and a lot of FOX news analysts - Media continues to talk bad about him.  Today, these so called analysts still say that this wont last and he doesn't have the support to keep this going.  Huh!?  These analysts need to be slapped in the face! All signs point towards increasing support from the people, not the other way around.  

Nobody is buying into the media and they are sick and tired of it.  Trump has tapped into something special and the rest of the republican candidates, although many of them are fantastic, don't have an answer.