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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Metroid fusion vs Metroid Zero Mission

I do not have much time to put in video games lately and I must decide between the two. Wich is better ? Someone told me that Zero Mission is a far better game and that there is no need to play Fusion when you can play Zero Mission since everything in Zero Mission is better. True, false ? Opinion about it ? 


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Zero Mission controls just a tiny bit smoother and is "classic" Metroid with exploration, but it's a bit short.
Fusion has a robust story and has some exploration but not as much as Zero Mission, but is much longer.

To be honest I prefer Fusion, but Zero Mission is an amazing game too.

Zero Mission has the open ended exploration of Metroid, even more so than Super.

Fusion has the better atmosphere and story, but it is pretty linear because of that.

Both are fantastic, but I find Zero more enjoyable.

I really like both. Fusion definitely has the better story and follows the traditional pick-up and put-down design of handheld games. It has exploration just in a more minor capacity. Still has interesting weapons and such.

Zero Mission is a very enhanced remake of Metroid. So it has the more old school exploration and strictly the classics weapons. If you're crunched for time, Fusion is more suited to that.

I like zero mission far more.

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I consider Fusion to be one of my favourites in the series. It is more linear, but I honestly never minded that. I think the environments are more interesting, the combat is better, bosses are better, and it just felt really fresh compared to ZM, seeing as how that's a remake of the first game.

Fusion is longer and with an more linear concept, but has more of a back story. Zero Mission is shorter, a remake of the original Metroid with extras. Not a bad game at all, just shorter. Depends on what you're looking for.

Very hard to choose one because both are totally awesome.

Fusion has a better story overall while Zero Mission is less linear and more loyal to he spirit of classic metroid games but with better controls. I loved fusion, but I think I´d choose Zero Mission because the artstyle, the exploration and the overall tone of the game feels a bit better.

Fusion is better. SA-X is the best villain in the Metroid franchise. The story is pretty great as well. Zero Mission really has none and therefor lacks atmosphere.

Samus Aran said:
Fusion is better. SA-X is the best villain in the Metroid franchise. The story is pretty great as well. Zero Mission really has none and therefor lacks atmosphere.

How would you score them?