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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie Teases Nintendo's "Big" Holiday Game Will Be Revealed At E3

thekitchensink said:
DKII said:
"Introducing Wii Shoot You, an online-only FPS where you use your Mii's as your characters."

In all seriousness, it's likely a combination of Animal Crossing, Pikmin, and Kid Icarus are being announced at/around E3. Maybe more Disaster coverage. The other "big" franchises (DK, FZero, Star Fox, etc.) haven't really been big in awhile so I doubt they'd try to transform them and re-create them into hype machines now.

Contra hasn't been big in a longtime, and yet Konami made Contra IV on the DS to huge success.

 Exactly, give us Star Fox like in the SNES and N64 days and it's definitely going to be a huge success. With the intuitive Wii controls (or like in Brawl, different control schemes) and a damn awesome frog, I don't know how it would not appeal to the casual gamers! =P

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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Pikmin 3 and Kirby Wii are pretty much givens at this point, as well as Animal Crossing. The Matsuno RPG isn't coming anytime's definitely not Zelda Wii, but Retro Zelda is definitely possible, and from what I've heard Star Fox isn't coming until early 09. Hmm, Golden Sun 3?

I think they'll probably have something totally new that no one expected, along with some new 3rd party collaborations like what they did with Fatal Frame IV and Monster Hunter 3.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Animal Crossing Wii , Pokemon MMO --------> Pay&Play

Sherlock99 said:
i just had a thought maby its info on sadness or either disaster day of crisis.

 Has there been any information on Sadness lately? It looked like it would be an awesome game at first.. but now it just seems like vaporware. I haven't heard anything about ROTR either.


NeoGoham has an excellent point. Pay and Play service will definitely be pushed out at E3 in more detail.

I would expect:
Animal Crossing, pikimin, and possibly a Pokemon MMO games to utilize this service.
Wii Music or motorsports to be announced to fit the casual crowd.

Then the possible big news of Star Fox, Punch out, Kid Icarus and many other IP's that Nintendo has.

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I'm really hoping Reggie announces 2 new IP's and a new game from an old franchise. And I hope one new IP caters to the hardcore gamers and the other new IP caters toward casuals.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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Sadness would make me happy.

(Also, Animal Crossing is guaranteed, because it was officially announced for Japan for the end of this year)

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Okay, there are a mess of possible AAA announcements.

It could be:

-Star Fox
-Animal Crossing
-Pokémon RPG
-Pikmin 3
-Donkey Kong Country IV

Given the way Star Fox has been going, I doubt it's that. Pilotwings is epic and wonderful, but not AAA enough, IMO. Donkey Kong Country IV would be more suitable as a WiiWare title.

With all that said, we're left with Animal Crossing, Pokémon RPG, and Pikmin 3 as possibilities. I never was a big fan of the Pikmin series (and the numbers show that most gamers weren't either), but I could be wrong about that one, so I left it in the mix. Still don't think it's quite epic enough, though.

PKMN RPG just doesn't sound quite that likely for a Q4 release - sounds more like a Q2 or Q3-type game. May be announced, but not released until next year.

That narrows it down to Animal Crossing Wii. Personally, I think it'll resemble Home in what you can do with it - hang out with friends, play minigames with them, etc. But it'll also have all the epic qualities of classing Animal Crossing. I think that they will release HDD abilities alongside Animal Crossing (as well as including that update on the game disc, and maybe even including an install option with the game for when you do have a HDD attached... I've got a LOT of reasoning behind this, but it's too long to include in this thread).

Given that Wild World has sold over 9 million copies to date, it's a very high possibility. Animal Crossing is a huge franchise for them now, with a freaking huge mess of possibilities. I'm putting my money on Animal Crossing.




 And if Zelda is announced, it'll be for Holiday Season '09... or later. There's no way they'll be releasing Wii Zelda this early in its lifespan, with Twilight Princess having been so recent.


The IGN guys said that Kid Icarus is pretty much a guarantee soon, and then acted like they shouldn't have said it.

Actually it was more like "Kid icarus? Yeah that's definately coming. The rumors are out there" and then "man I think reggie is on the phone right now" In context that implied that they aren't supposed to talk about it, but since the rumors are alreadly there he figured he could mention it unofficially, and bozon thought they'd get in trouble for it after he had already said it. This was the most recent pod cast by the way.

Also they didn't seem to optimistic about Sadness. They said that the guy in charge of it was going to show it to them at GDC but them never turned up, or called again, and nothing has been heard about it other than it doesn't have a publisher. Really i don't understand why people even care, there is ZERO information on it other than the name, and like 1 rendered picture.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Nintendo has been awfully quiet about what they're releasing during the second half of the year, and I expect they'd got something big under the wraps.

My guess is Pikmin 3, although in the best case it would be Pikmin 3 together with something else like Disaster.