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The IGN guys said that Kid Icarus is pretty much a guarantee soon, and then acted like they shouldn't have said it.

Actually it was more like "Kid icarus? Yeah that's definately coming. The rumors are out there" and then "man I think reggie is on the phone right now" In context that implied that they aren't supposed to talk about it, but since the rumors are alreadly there he figured he could mention it unofficially, and bozon thought they'd get in trouble for it after he had already said it. This was the most recent pod cast by the way.

Also they didn't seem to optimistic about Sadness. They said that the guy in charge of it was going to show it to them at GDC but them never turned up, or called again, and nothing has been heard about it other than it doesn't have a publisher. Really i don't understand why people even care, there is ZERO information on it other than the name, and like 1 rendered picture.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.