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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Talking Point: Wii U Gamers Have Been Treated Poorly By The Third-Party Retail Scene, But The System Still Brings Joy

It does bring joy. I bought a Wii U for the Nintendo exclusives and Nintendo has made some great games for the console.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Nintendo is more or less the one to blame for their situation with 3rd parties. Not the nintendo fans. Not the 3rd parties.

Nintendo makes underpowered "home" consoles and markets heavily to housewives looking to buy their kid a toy. The majority of 3rd party cater to a different demographic entirely and games generally have to built with the weakest hardware in mind. Sony and MS do all sort of things to foster their relationships with third parties while nintendo has a "do it my way or hit the highway" type of attitude with 'em. Eventually, nintendo will have to diversify it's business interests and if we're lucky, stop being so stubborn. 

I wouldn't exactly call Hyrule Warriors an excellent game, but otherwise I do agree that Nintendo's first-party content has been good on Wii U. However they seriously lack variety of games, with most first-party games on Wii U being platformers. NSMB U, SM3DW, DKC: TF, CT: TT, Kirby and Yoshi's Woolly World. There have also been a few bad exclusives on the system like Hyrule Warriors and Mario Party 10 too.

On the topic of third-party support, it was Nintendo's fault for not making up-to-date hardware, as we've recently seen with Project Cars. Of course though EA and Take-Two haven't been particularly supportive but its funny that people shit on Ubisoft for not supporting the system when they in fact gave it the best support besides Nintendo. But its not like Sony and MS automatically get support from third-parties, they actually go and ask these puvblishers to bring their games on their system. Nintendo shouldn't shy away from doing that if it brings more games to their system.

Really, Project Cars would be such an ugly cousin to it's counterparts on other platforms, and it's sales potential would be miniscule. It made no sense at all to plan a Wii U version in the first place. 3rd parties have to target their games differently for Wii U, which of course is the problem with Wii U for 3rd parties. They have to make games with an emphasis on a small player base, and hope that the versions on the other consoles will sell well enough even though such games won't appeal all that much.

I wonder how Splatoon would have done if it was exactly the same game we see today, but it was made by a 3rd party and was multiplatform.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


ArchangelMadzz said:
They were there at the beggining, they were treated poorly by the Wii U owners (generalisation)

haha, no. some thirds that could be counted with the fingers of a single hand were barely there at lunch and there were several games of self sabotaged games sent to die (cough everything EA).

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I'm sick of the whining of Nintendo fans about the third party, supportive or unsupportive

Nintendo fans (and I am one!) have never purchased a Nintendo system for third party games. whether its a handheld or home console. I'm not saying some fans don't love third party games, some great ones have been on Nintendo systems over time. but the reality is that its naive and just stupid to have this conversation over and over and OVER again about Nintendo lacking third party games, third party companies 'abandoning' Nintendo, Nintendo fans 'abandoning' third parties, etc. etc. etc.

it's already the status quo for decades now that Nintendo systems are about Nintendo software. stop making drama (in either direction!) regarding this. great third party games sometimes are on Nintendo systems and sometimes aren't, its useless to push for or whine that they're lacking on Nintendo systems because that is likely never going to change

Nintendo itself is unique in the industry because they produce a LOT more titles and software for their systems than their competitiors do. a Sony or Microsoft rely on third party publishers to sell their systems, Nintendo is the opposite. just further elaborating on why its silly to expect business models to magically change. there are never going to a kajillion third party games on a Nintendo system because Nintendo systems have some of the most popular in house IPs in the video gaming world

no third party company is going to spend millions of dollars making some platformer or adventure game for a Nintendo system when they already know that people looking for those games who own a Nintendo system are just going to buy Mario and Zelda instead

also as far as adult games on Nintendo systems- third parties are often not going to feel comfortable spending money to port a shooter or violent game to a Nintendo system when they know the market is mostly casuals and families. 

I do blame that on Nintendo, as far as not pushing to develop a more adult end of their video game franchises and business. but again I don't think the lack of third parties is the issue there, Nintendo needs to create some of their own more adult IPs to give the impression of to the consumerse that they ARE a system for all categories of gamers

creating some more games in the vain of Eternal Darkness or Earthbound or something like Perfect Dark (and yes I know it was Rare)


as far as serious racing games- forget it, Nintendo's largest franchise practically is Mario Kart and they're not going to sacrafice that at all to have realistic racers

Dr.Vita said:
I still can't understand who buys games like Mass Effect 3 on Wii U...
Wii U doesn't have the target audience for these games!

Generalization. I would of bought it on Wii U. If it was the damn Trilogy set. Not just the 3rd game. EA just set it up for people to shit over it.

Dr.Vita said:
I still can't understand who buys games like Mass Effect 3 on Wii U...
Wii U doesn't have the target audience for these games!

Repeating this joke won't make it true. And actually, mass effect 3 sold amazingly on Wii U when you consider it's a late port from a game best enjoyed after playing the prequels and that it released a week after the trilogy everywhere else. you can bet any game so self sabotaged would have similar numbers on ps360/ps4/x1.

NightDragon83 said:
The fate of the Wii U's 3rd party support was sealed when it launched alongside sequels to two of the biggest 3rd party AAA franchises in the industry (COD BLOPS II and AC3) and both versions sold peanuts on the Wii U. If the two biggest 3rd party multiplatform franchises couldn't find a foothold on the Wii U, then what on Earth would make you think any other 3rd party title would be able to?

stupid excuse for logic only a hater would mention, especially when other games did better than those on wii u and that AC and cod themselves weren't even marketed.

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