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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I am a Toys R Us Employee

Toys R' Us has 587 stores in the U.S., Walmart has 3,366 stores... If they all received the same stock as your store it would amount to 790,600 over two weeks. Then you have 388 Costcos, 1,591 Targets, 1,400 Best Buys, Gamestops, EBGames, Amazon, etc which would had many hundreds of thousands on top of that.

Don't get me wrong I'm just saying it's surprising that Toys 'R Us appears to be getting a lot of Wiis compared to other stores, but since you said your store is one of the largest maybe it's getting a disproportionate number compared to other Toys 'R Us.

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Rath said:
With the Wiis would buying power matter? When you have an item in demand its the selling power that would matter more wouldn't it?

In which case TRU have the perfect demographics to sell the most Wiis

Yes it would.">">

Legend11 said:
Toys R' Us has 587 stores in the U.S., Walmart has 3,366 stores... If they all received the same stock as your store it would amount to 790,600 over two weeks. Then you have 388 Costcos, 1,591 Targets, 1,400 Best Buys, etc which would had many hundreds of thousands on top of that.

Don't get me wrong I'm just saying it's surprising that Toys 'R Us appears to be getting a lot of Wiis compared to other stores, but since you said your store is one of the largest maybe it's selling a disproportionate number compared to other Toys 'R Us.

That obviously isn't a very fair analysis then, as the calculation is so heavily weighted towards Wal Mart. If you take any retailer that's much smaller than Wal Mart -- especially only one store -- then extrapolate those results over the entirety of Wal Mart, you're going to get wild results. For example, there have been many weeks in the last year where I recieved zero Wiis; for long stretches, I only recieved them every 2-3 weeks, but I didn't see anyone in here doing calculations to show that Wal Mart and Toys R Us sold a combined 0 zero Wiis that week :p

As I've always said, my evidence is only anecdotal/regional. For example, I've already stated that on the day my Toys R Us recieved 118 Wiis, other Toys R Us stores in my region recieved 70ish, on average, so there's a start to recalibrating your calculations. Best Buy did get shipments in my area, but they're much smaller (I know them best because there is a Best Buy down the block), while their shipment next week will be larger than any my store has had.">">

Don't mind me, I'm suffering from insomnia so I apologize if I came off as questioning you.

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Legend11 said:
Rath said:
With the Wiis would buying power matter? When you have an item in demand its the selling power that would matter more wouldn't it?

In which case TRU have the perfect demographics to sell the most Wiis

Yes it would.

 Can you give a deeper explanation? Im sure your right but I just don't see why it would make a huge difference who could buy more Wiis given that Nintendo sells them at the same price to everyone. Wouldn't Nintendo be more worried as to where they can sell rather than who has the most buying power? o.O

Legend11 said:
Don't mind me, I'm suffering from insomnia so I apologize if I came off as questioning you.

No no! Please, I appreciate it Legend. These are the sorts of questions I'm hoping this thread provokes.

It's important that everyone remember my evidence is anecdotal (or at best "regional," however you want to define it), and it's good to have that restated every few pages of this thread">">

One question (not sure if its been asked) - how do the shipment (overall figures) for the Wii compare to last year? I'm guessing its more than double the numbers you received last year?

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Legend11 said:
Toys R' Us has 587 stores in the U.S., Walmart has 3,366 stores... If they all received the same stock as your store it would amount to 790,600 over two weeks. Then you have 388 Costcos, 1,591 Targets, 1,400 Best Buys, Gamestops, EBGames, Amazon, etc which would had many hundreds of thousands on top of that.

Don't get me wrong I'm just saying it's surprising that Toys 'R Us appears to be getting a lot of Wiis compared to other stores, but since you said your store is one of the largest maybe it's getting a disproportionate number compared to other Toys 'R Us.


Your analysis is so nieve as to be completely useless.

(1) Not all stores are equal, not all stores get exactly the same shipments.  You cannot take a store and extrapolate its shipments across all stores in the US any more than you can take a store and extrapolate its sales across all stores in the US.

(2) Not all retailers were Nintendo's official launch partner.  TRU seems to get somewhat favorable shipment quantities of Wiis right now.  Not to ignore that Best Buy, for example, seems to sell way more Wiis than 360s also judging by how they look on Sundays when Wii shipments come in, but TRU shipments/sales will be even more biased for the Wii.

NJ5 said:

I wonder if people are aware of the format war when they decide to buy a device for the sake of Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. I know I won't.

EDIT - I mean, I'm not going to buy any device for the sake of Blu-Ray or HD-DVD before the format war is decided.

If you're going to wait until the format war is over, you'll be waiting a long time for high definition movie goodness.  Just keep your eyes open for sub $100 players and grab one -- you'll get to enjoy ~75% of the movies with either format.

The other St Louis ToysRUS was out of games and wiis altogether last Tuesday. I had to go to another retailer and ask for a price match.