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Forums - PC Discussion - BioWare's Dragon Age to be out before April 2009

I can't wait to see more of this game.  I'm a huge fan of the PC's Baldur's Gate series so any game considered a spiritual successor has me excited :)

BioWare talks up Dragon Age

News by Rob Purchese

"BioWare has told Eurogamer that its upcoming role-playing game Dragon Age will be what fans have been "wanting forever".

Senior PR manager for the company Matt Atwood restated the promise that it would be out before April 2009, and said more information would be released soon.

"When you make a statement like 'this is the RPG that people have been waiting for', then you better back it up and you better spend a hell of a lot of time on it," Atwood told Eurogamer.

"I think we're going to be extremely proud and our fans are going to be extremely excited. And you'll hear more about it pretty quick."

Dragon Age is said to be a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, and first showed its face in 2004 before fairly sharply ducking away from public view.

However, although there were "times with less resources and with more resources", Atwood assures us it has been consistently worked on since then.

So far it has only been linked with PC, but when quizzed about it Atwood didn't rule out the possibility of it popping up on other platforms.

"It is for the PC, but as far as exclusivity we haven't said anything on that," he revealed.

Look out for our full interview with Matt Atwood soon, where he talks about the upcoming PC conversion of Mass Effect and how you will be "extremely captivated immediately" by Mass Effect 2."

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Hell yes count me in :)




April 09?!? Another year?! Arrrggghhhh. Can't wait....!!! I'm playing Baldur's Gate II right now (again).

Oh well, maybe I'll have a new PC that'll run it by then.


This game has huge potential and Bioware rarely screw things up. Let's hope the EA influence is a bare minimum!
Man I want Baldur's Gate III too...

this will likely be the best Bioware RPG since Baldur's Gate 2. Kotor and Mass Effect weren't as good.

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I'm willing to wait as long as it isn't the rushed mess that Mass Effect was. Baldur's Gate II is one of my all time favorite RPGs.

My curiosity has been piqued, hopefully we can get some screenshots, videos, etc...soon.

To Each Man, Responsibility

This is set in the LotR mythos, correct? Me want.

Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale consumed my life some years ago... Bring it!

makingmusic476 said:
This is set in the LotR mythos, correct? Me want.

 No, they've created their own mythos and rulesets from scratch. One of the reasons the game has taken so long to come out.