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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - More hints of AMD's Potential Partnership with Nintendo on the NX

The only logical choice, imo. ARM has stark deficiencies when it comes to floating point operations, and hit a brick wall in cpu clocks at around 2.5 Ghz which takes long to pass. IBM, on the other hand, moved all the way into high power computing, which is basically the complete opposite of a gaming console (and probably already the reason why the Wii U had just a self-developed supercharged triplecore version of an over 10 year old chip installed). And if they go already to AMD to get their CPUs, why not getting the total package at once instead of looking for a company for every single part to deliver to them?

More interesting would be if Zen or no Zen (AMD next Generation Architecture, which should bring them again more or less on par with Intel in IPC and thus global performance) and which generation of GCN would be used.

As for Wii U emulation: Hard, but depending on the CPU/GPU not impossible.

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fleischr said:
Pavolink said:
Ugh, backwards compatible. I fear this will hold once again the console.

Would you like NX to suffer even worse 1st party gaps than the WiiU did?

Aside from Zelda, we're still several years away from either a new Smash or Mario Kart -- the things we know are needed to push the NX

True for Smash. and Mario Kart, but we can easily have new 3D Mario game for launch, also we still dont know on what is working Retro, Pikmin 4 is possible for NX 1st year, there more possible games.

spemanig said:
I'm 100% sure the system will be BC, at least digitally. But I also doubt that they would have digital BC and not have physical, so it's all staying.

Nintendo isn't going to recreate the VC from the ground up for a third time. That would be a complete waste of resources, especially now that it supports the GBA and DS. All eshop games will be available on the NX from day 1. They are just spending way too much time on these platforms to just ditch them all and start from scratch on the next platform. It isn't happening.

And that's a good thing. The NX will launch as a system with Nintendo's entire legacy represented to some capacity day one. I don't even think of it as BC. It's what PC has been doing for decades - it's infinite legacy support. That's why BC with the Wii U and 3DS are important. Not disc BC specifically, but digital BC.

Totally agree, I think they take so much time with VC is that they preparing them in some time for NX too, GC VC games for NX launch would be great too.

I have some Nintendo Wii U games digital, I hope they will be ported them on NX too.

MohammadBadir said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ninty has what it takes to make the NX an extremely successful console, but as time goes on, it seems like their approach will repeat a lot of the WiiU's mistakes..

I think biggest Wii U mistakes were bad name and terrible marketing, bad launch titles and software drought in 1st year, not simple and friendly architecture and not very affordable price, and I think Nintendo will correct all that mistakes with NX.

Ok here's my question.

Who's AMD?

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Miyamotoo said:
MohammadBadir said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ninty has what it takes to make the NX an extremely successful console, but as time goes on, it seems like their approach will repeat a lot of the WiiU's mistakes..

I think biggest Wii U mistakes were bad name and terrible marketing, bad launch titles and software drought in 1st year, not simple and friendly architecture and not very affordable price, and I think Nintendo will correct all that mistakes with NX.

Some of them? Maybe. All of them? After what we've heard from them, no chance.

MohammadBadir said:
Miyamotoo said:
MohammadBadir said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ninty has what it takes to make the NX an extremely successful console, but as time goes on, it seems like their approach will repeat a lot of the WiiU's mistakes..

I think biggest Wii U mistakes were bad name and terrible marketing, bad launch titles and software drought in 1st year, not simple and friendly architecture and not very affordable price, and I think Nintendo will correct all that mistakes with NX.

Some of them? Maybe. All of them? After what we've heard from them, no chance.

What exactly we heard from them that saying that will repeat same mistakes that I mentioned?

On contrary, everything they said or annonce saying that will not have same mistakes that I mentioned.

AMD sounds like the logical choice.

Being backwards compatible via Virtual Console should be no problem. The system will be powerful enough to emulate games up to Gamecube and most likely Wii. And Wii U backwards compatibility shouldn't be a central focus: the console failed and people ignored most games on it. They can still release Full HD compilations or remake some Wii U games for NX.

The bigger question is: Can AMD provide a great chipset for Nintendo's next handheld system? If so, both machines would be highly similar (the handheld being weaker of course) which would make multiplatform releases across Nintendo's systems easy and Virtual Console porting as well.

I don't think Nintendo's plan is to produce a "fusion" console, as that would satisfy neither market. Instead, they'll put extremely similar architectures into both consoles and let them run on the same account system. We will still get two versions of Mario Kart, but they'll share some tracks and assets and basically one version will run at 480p and the other at 1080p with added effects.

Bofferbrauer said:
The only logical choice, imo. ARM has stark deficiencies when it comes to floating point operations, and hit a brick wall in cpu clocks at around 2.5 Ghz which takes long to pass. IBM, on the other hand, moved all the way into high power computing, which is basically the complete opposite of a gaming console (and probably already the reason why the Wii U had just a self-developed supercharged triplecore version of an over 10 year old chip installed). And if they go already to AMD to get their CPUs, why not getting the total package at once instead of looking for a company for every single part to deliver to them?

More interesting would be if Zen or no Zen (AMD next Generation Architecture, which should bring them again more or less on par with Intel in IPC and thus global performance) and which generation of GCN would be used.

As for Wii U emulation: Hard, but depending on the CPU/GPU not impossible.

I'd love for Nintendo to go with Zen, but that means Nintendo using new technology (with Zen being a 2016 product) and that would go against their usual approach with tech.

I find it more likely that they'll go with the low power Puma+ cores or, with a bit of luck, the new Excavator cores from AMD's Carrizo APU.


PAOerfulone said:
Ok here's my question.

Who's AMD?

You're joking, right?

AMD is basically the competitor of Intel in the world of CPUs and the competitor of Nvidia in the GPU world. That's why they are the ones that can offer a complete solution to console manufacturers.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

I just hope its more powerful than the PS4. It needs to be if Nintendo wants it to have a longer life than Wii U. I wouldn't even mind if they killed BC for this generation. I'm not asking for a god box, but 3rd parties can't be put off by what Nintendo does with the hardware. It needs to be more powerful than PS4 and still be viable after PS5/X2 come out. At least until Nintendo releases their next machine after. That would be the best theoretical sweet spot.