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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem Fates over sexualization is really off putting imo (pics)

Faelco said:
Cloudman said:
Faelco said:

I responded in a previous comment :


Awakening compared to Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn? 


Crappy story (if you call that a story), crappy characters, almost all maps are wide open fields with nothing on it, no balancing in the difficulty, only "Kill all enemies" or "Kill the boss" objectives, no gold, items or XP management (unlimited with side battles), and no strategy involved in the entire game (pair up your two main characters, win the battle, and at the end you don't even have to pair them up, one character is enough). And I surely missed a few points. 


Nope, it's not the same franchise to me, it's more like the kid friendly mobile spin off.


Bigger audience doesn't mean better game, I think we all know it. Other games like Dark Souls could get better sales by putting more boobs and waifus, lighter colors, and by making the game easy and kid-friendly (less scary monsters, less violence, no need to try a fight several times...). Doesn't mean it would still be a Dark Souls game, and I don't think it would be great for the franchise. 

That's fair if you don't believe is that good in your opinion, but that doesn't change that Awakening saved the series, being the most sold game in the series to date. I think that speaks pretty well for how the game is, aside from the story. Even the FE team recognized that the story was crap.

And I don't understand how making the game more accessible to more players is a bad thing if you can still enjoy the game in its intended form. You can still play a FE game in its standard form. For others who are not used to it, or new,  I don't see why having an easier mode is a bad thing. It's not hurting either side, and just opens the game for more people to play. It doesn't take anyway away from it, and everyone can enjoy it.

Also, I don't see where boobs or wives are an issue in Awakening.


That's the point, I wasn't talking about easy mode. I played the game in classic mode and lunatic difficulty, and all my points still apply. I only had fun in the 4 first chapters. Easy or Lunatic, an empty map is an empty map. Awakening saved the Fire Emblem IP, but not the games IMO (it was my point with my comparison with Dark Souls). 


Waifus battles were a huge internet subject about Awakening (Lucina, Tharja, Severa, Sumia with Chrom or not?....), and it's worse for Fates even if the game isn't out yet. Boobs weren't a subject in Awakening (only in DLC, and it was already pitiful at best), it's a subject in Fates. But my point here is : ok, sex sells, but would you be OK with sex being put in every game? In the next Mario game, would you like sex/nude scenes with Mario and Peach, or Waifu simulation with Peach and Daisy? (with a new and more sexy art style, of course) 

That`s fair enough. I can`t argue against your points, since they are your opinion, but I mostly don`t agree, except the story. It was easily the worst thing about the game, as well as Chrom being the mDÞàt lord in the franchise, but everything else about it was good. I brought up the difficulty point since you see it as a kid friendly game.

As long as the game is fun and the sexualizing doesn`t impose on the game, I`m fine with it. A focus on over sexualized characters will not sell if the core game is bad. Though I don`t recall se being a selling point of the game. There are other things that sell the game to people aside from the `my room` feature. It`s not a main selling point.



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ToraTiger said:
Paatar said:
Well personally, it doesn't appeal to me in that kind of way.
But I do like it getting added in the series. Why? Because in the time and era of which these games take place, there was obviously a LOT of sex. And it does not bother me they decided to add it in.

I just wish there were more male scenes. ;)

N-n-no homo?? (Kidding)

But in all seriousness, this doesn't take place in any particular period, and can understand having some sex in the game, but it's just softcore porn really.  

Actually yes homo ;)

I know it doesn't take place in a certain period. But it gives off the vibe of it taking place during a time of when a lot of sex would happen and be crucial. Like how SOME (definitely not all) Game of Thrones sex scenes have an impact on the story. Same thing here.

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What annoys me about oversexualization in certain IPs , especially if they didn't use to have it before, is that it serves literally no one. It's pointless. I mean honestly who of you is going to get off on a low poly mideval fourteen year old? We live in the age of the internet folks, porn is literally everywhere. Every desperate teen can just go on google and find some, it's not the 90's anymore and we don't need to have fanservice in every game just so some horny teen can spunk all over their 3ds. And if you really whant to see that hot Tharja action, theres more than enough fanart/fanfics to satisfy that, there's literally no need to make at least part of your core audience (see OP) uncomfortable.

I personally don't mind fanservice in games that were conceptualized with it, I usually get a chuckle out of it since it's usually utterly ridiculous and doesn't overlap with my definition of sexy either way, but I don't mind it in games like Bayonetta. The world and setting are so over the top already that it doesn't clash and Bayonetta is concieved as a sexy character and I'm fine with that. Where it annoys me is when it tonally clashes with the story and environements of the game (or my perception of what the game should be), would you be thrilled about an 'undressing Ellie' mini game in the TLoU? Having sexy times with adult Aurora from Child of light? Fondeling Solid Snake? (Yes he has an amazing butt, but so far I havent seen metal thong bikini alternate costumes for him and that's fine.)

Not every game needs to have fanservice. It's not a legitimate tool to broaden it's appeal like altering gameplay mechanics to make it more accessible. It doesn't make it more accessible, but as we can see from OP, in some cases it makes it less so.
I would also be uncomfortable letting children/young teens play the game. Not because 'sex is bad and OMG you can see her boobies', I don't have a problem with nakedness or sex, but because of the blatant objectification of the characters in the game. Sex is not a minigame. I wouldn't want my children to have the impression that a partner has to answer to all of their sexual whims.
And I'm sure that most of the people who enjoy the sexualization in the game, would enjoy the game with or without it. It's more of a bonus, rather than a core reason to buy the game.

This last one is more of a pet peeve of mine but, can we undress the male charcters as well? Is there also a male character onthe battlefield in nothing but a metal thong?
If yes, cudos game developers, you at least managed to not make your objectification sexist.
If not, great, another game concentrating on objectifying females for the pleasure of a narrow audience, namely Bi/straight males and bi/lesbian females. People, there is also the other half of humanity who like....y'know, guys.

I don't think my excessive eye-rolling at the game is go cause any permanent damage in the end, but I wont pretend I wouldn't have preferred them to not have a 'look at my underboob'-mini game.
As to the Impending 'censorship' in the western version, I don't give a damn, either way. I wasn't up in arms about bravely default, I'm not going to be over this either.

garywood said:

You're just cherrypicking out the bits that fit your point! When playing in context of the game, it'll be largely unnoticeable. A lot of that stuff is hidden in the optional extras.

And also, look at in proportion to the entire characters rosters. It's really not that bad on the whole:


Is it just me, or do I say Gaius, Severa, Owain, and Inigo?

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


ToraTiger said:
The_Sony_Girl1 said:
WRPGs don't have sexualized female characters? Did you not play The Witcher, Mass Effect, or Dragon Age?

I'm not denying that part, but a lot of them don't. 

And like I said the point of this thread isn't to call out sexualization in RPGs, I'm just calling it out in this particular RPG which went 20 years without having to resort to these sleezy tactics. 

There are WRPGs without sexualized characters? Really? Even Fallout has sexualized characters, and the only thing you're complaining about is Fire Emblem.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


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The_Sony_Girl1 said:
garywood said:

You're just cherrypicking out the bits that fit your point! When playing in context of the game, it'll be largely unnoticeable. A lot of that stuff is hidden in the optional extras.

And also, look at in proportion to the entire characters rosters. It's really not that bad on the whole:


Is it just me, or do I say Gaius, Severa, Owain, and Inigo?


Same artist so similar looking characters especially since those you mentioned, along with a few others, are among the most popular in Japan. Basically everyone that got one of special portrait images in the Awakening DLC besides Chrom (who technically will get to star as the primary Lord in the upcoming SMT x FE RPG) will get a shout out in Fates of some sort via similar looking character or other means.

ToraTiger said:
The_Sony_Girl1 said:

I know people who are Christians, and will play this game. They aren't bothered by the oversexualization because they don't try to access it.

I'm not against sexuality or boobs in games or media as a whole, it would be damn near impossible to get away from it in this day and age.  Literally everything has a piece of sex appeal in it, especially  It's offpointing to FE imo because of how much of a stark difference it is from the modest and aunthetcity of the earlier games.  

 Now it just looks like slice-of-life anime Fire Emblem eddition.  It's only when it gets to the point of Game Of Thrones do I see sexualization as a real detrimiment and completely offputting to something. Like I said, I was raised away from stuff like this, same for many of friends who also play FE, have similar complaints that I do, but of course they are going to play the game away

That being said, I'll probably pass on this game for a while because I probably won't enjoy it due to the setting, characters, plots, aesthetics, sexualization ect.  Again this is a maybe, so I can't judge, but based on what I'm hearing from people who have played the JPN version, they kinda confirms all my problems.   Also this is coming from the perspective of a fan of the older games, to newcomers who haven't made any associations I'm sure this will be a great game to them, especially if they're into anime, and anime of this type.

Do you even know what slice of life is? This isn't even close to a slice of life series.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


yawn, who cares in the end it's just some characters and it comes from a series that does not have a reputation of overdoing this sort of thing. I would at least check out the game or play it before throwing judgement out, it's hardly fair to come up with a big opinion about it when you've see but a few photographs

in the end its a form of entertainment, if you don't like the outfits and mannerisms of the female characters in the game show that by just not playing or purchasing it- not by trying to dictate the video game designers decisions based on your individual opinion

NoirSon said:
The_Sony_Girl1 said:
garywood said:

You're just cherrypicking out the bits that fit your point! When playing in context of the game, it'll be largely unnoticeable. A lot of that stuff is hidden in the optional extras.

And also, look at in proportion to the entire characters rosters. It's really not that bad on the whole:


Is it just me, or do I say Gaius, Severa, Owain, and Inigo?


Same artist so similar looking characters especially since those you mentioned, along with a few others, are among the most popular in Japan. Basically everyone that got one of special portrait images in the Awakening DLC besides Chrom (who technically will get to star as the primary Lord in the upcoming SMT x FE RPG) will get a shout out in Fates of some sort via similar looking character or other means.

I just read their wiki pages. Those characters are Severa, Owain and Inigo! The ninja guy isn't Gaius though.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


ToraTiger said:
outlawauron said:

Honestly, I find it strange that in the age of feminism that people are mandating for all of the female characters to be covered up or outrage.

Well I'm a Christian and that type of thing does not appeal to me the way it might appeal to the rest of the population. And LoL@ at the guy calling sexualization "art".  You literally just make the characters look more provacative and you get more sales.  Playing on basic male sex drive.  I understand that feminism can get crazy, but I'm honestly sick to death of sexualization in media, even with men, but they seem to do it with females 100X more, which is pretty unfair. 

Ultrashroomz said:
If it means anything to you, NoA will probably censor a good chunk of stuff when the game gets localized.


Thank god they do.  

This could get borderline the M rating in America, like it is in japan. 

Sad to see a series good from the bottom of the rating scale at E, and now it's at M, just for the sake of sexualization. 

mentions that you're a Christian and uses the Lords name in vain in the very same post :O video games is a weird place to bring up religion, as I seriously doubt and mega devout Christian is going to encourage spending lots of time playing any violent or fantasy games.

just bizarre. you have an issue with the sexualization of certain characters but apparently no issue with the repeated combat and killing of enemies (even if it isn't excessively brutal)