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What annoys me about oversexualization in certain IPs , especially if they didn't use to have it before, is that it serves literally no one. It's pointless. I mean honestly who of you is going to get off on a low poly mideval fourteen year old? We live in the age of the internet folks, porn is literally everywhere. Every desperate teen can just go on google and find some, it's not the 90's anymore and we don't need to have fanservice in every game just so some horny teen can spunk all over their 3ds. And if you really whant to see that hot Tharja action, theres more than enough fanart/fanfics to satisfy that, there's literally no need to make at least part of your core audience (see OP) uncomfortable.

I personally don't mind fanservice in games that were conceptualized with it, I usually get a chuckle out of it since it's usually utterly ridiculous and doesn't overlap with my definition of sexy either way, but I don't mind it in games like Bayonetta. The world and setting are so over the top already that it doesn't clash and Bayonetta is concieved as a sexy character and I'm fine with that. Where it annoys me is when it tonally clashes with the story and environements of the game (or my perception of what the game should be), would you be thrilled about an 'undressing Ellie' mini game in the TLoU? Having sexy times with adult Aurora from Child of light? Fondeling Solid Snake? (Yes he has an amazing butt, but so far I havent seen metal thong bikini alternate costumes for him and that's fine.)

Not every game needs to have fanservice. It's not a legitimate tool to broaden it's appeal like altering gameplay mechanics to make it more accessible. It doesn't make it more accessible, but as we can see from OP, in some cases it makes it less so.
I would also be uncomfortable letting children/young teens play the game. Not because 'sex is bad and OMG you can see her boobies', I don't have a problem with nakedness or sex, but because of the blatant objectification of the characters in the game. Sex is not a minigame. I wouldn't want my children to have the impression that a partner has to answer to all of their sexual whims.
And I'm sure that most of the people who enjoy the sexualization in the game, would enjoy the game with or without it. It's more of a bonus, rather than a core reason to buy the game.

This last one is more of a pet peeve of mine but, can we undress the male charcters as well? Is there also a male character onthe battlefield in nothing but a metal thong?
If yes, cudos game developers, you at least managed to not make your objectification sexist.
If not, great, another game concentrating on objectifying females for the pleasure of a narrow audience, namely Bi/straight males and bi/lesbian females. People, there is also the other half of humanity who like....y'know, guys.

I don't think my excessive eye-rolling at the game is go cause any permanent damage in the end, but I wont pretend I wouldn't have preferred them to not have a 'look at my underboob'-mini game.
As to the Impending 'censorship' in the western version, I don't give a damn, either way. I wasn't up in arms about bravely default, I'm not going to be over this either.