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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem Fates over sexualization is really off putting imo (pics)

Oh Noeesss Anime Tits. The horror.

We need to stop the sexualization of Halloween costumes. Girls are sexualized wear hot as hell costumes. Oh wait they like being hot... nevermind.

psn- tokila

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TheLegendaryWolf said:
ToraTiger said:

Why does no one even read the goddamn thread? This isn't a feminist thread calling out sexualization in females in game, i'm talking about THIS PARTICULAR GAME and it's sexual content which is done in poor taste and is just mindless poindering to horny teens

Trust me, I did read the original post, which never once mentioned the inclusion of male characters nor did you really show proof.  Many people on this thread were asking if it also included males, which wasn't proven until my previous post.

"While I never played the game, this thread contains no spoilers and MAY be NSFW."  

"Prior to awakening, all the female characters in the series dressed very modestly, with only a few exceptions, had decent figures and overall didn't come across as being overtly "sexual".  Which I can't say anymore about the series.  In awakening they introduced a few very sexualize characters, such as Tharja, Olivia and a few others.  There was even a DLC chapter where one of the girls strips down with a provacative risque pose and another with a girl covering her breasts.  While Awakening was pretty sparing with the sexual aspects, it was still a LOT more than anything else we have seen in the series before.  Fast forward to FATES, from what I've seen it seems that everything about the game is peppered with sexual undertones and risque elements.  Below is a part of the game where they literally let you look at your partner while they are stripped down, while many of the characters are wearing very lewd underwear."

How can you be this dense dude? There are pictures of hot guys in the OP for christ's sake, not to mention the stuff I posted later in the thread.  None of the men in the game are sexualized to the degree that the females are.  They aren't overly masuline or muscular either.  I was calling out the females due to it being far more extreme and sexual.  to the one I posted Camillia who has very large breasts and was jiggling them around in two of the cutscenes for no reason other than titilation, all the men in this game have modest body sizes, aren't overly muscular or walk around with bulges.  In the My Castle Mode or not the same cannot be said about the females. 

And to reply to your previous post, no it's bad when they do it to males too, that wasn't my point to just call out the females, but they made up the meat of my post because imo they were worstly done and clearly more sexual.  All the men dress modestly and a lot of the females don't.... 

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

It is fair enough to say this oversexulisation/anime centric nature is hurting the traditional designs of the series according to longtime fans.
But unfortunately sex sells. Why do you think FE Awakening sold much more than the others, why does Persona sell well, etc. Sexy waifus is what the world wants, ESPECIALLY Japan.

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NNID: Maraccuda              
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RolStoppable said:
outlawauron said:

I brought up one earlier and the thread and only one person responded to me.

You mean Sonia?

1. She's not a dark mage.
2. She's a morph.
3. She was always meant to seduce.

Her being a morph is pretty irrelevant, but I think a Sage class enemy that was evil would fall into a dark mage categorization. We're just arguing semantics though.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

honestly. I have a bigger issue with the fans who genuinely get sexually aroused by anime/video game characters.

As some stated... it's absolutely directed towards the lonely men and/or virgins. And as I've stated in previous threads countless times. These people see no wrong in it since they're so out of touch to what a real intimate relationship is.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Well, i agree with this topic.

If Nis did the same for Disgaea, i would be extremely Mad.
Or if they do the same for a new ogre tactics ? Please no.

ryuzaki57 said:

As a sidenote, I'm nearing the end of White and the storyline is indeed extremely weak.

Don't worry, the Nohr story is even worse.


The only interesting the dlc (probably ? i will see if i get the dlc or not)

Namiirei said:
ryuzaki57 said:

As a sidenote, I'm nearing the end of White and the storyline is indeed extremely weak.

Don't worry, the Nohr story is even worse.


The only interesting the dlc (probably ? i will see if i get the dlc or not)

Crap :(


Please, tell me at least that Nohr is really challenging and its battles are interesting? 

IkePoR said:
Aeolus451 said:

Don't video game series evolve or change over time? Perhaps, the owners of the IP are trying to give it more appeal to a broader group of gamers. I don't know but it's obvious that they're playing around with going with a less modest character design and that may become the norm for the series. 

I get the point. The OP is hung up over seeing video game characters in skimpy clothes when the series was not normally like it and he's complaining about it. He has issues with the characters being sexualized and not so much with any other aspect of the game. If that wasn't the case then this thread wouldn't be here with all the pics to empathize his problem with it.

As I've stated before in this thread, I'm accepting of the game's design changing.  Different artists have different styles and all that;  I am glad that FE has had a renissance and is selling better; I'm glad there's a larger audience for FE because Inteligent Systems makes great games that should be played by all.  

Now with that said, there's a fine line between modest and sleazy and units wearing basically fucking nothing is not "less modest".  It looks lazy and uninspired. 

Also, your previous post insinuated that OP has a problem with sexualization in video games, when he doesn't.  He doesn't have issues with characters being sexualized, he has issues with them being - over-sexualized.  He also has stated that he has issues with other aspects of the game ...

Though I'm not him, I'm only reading what he says, not his mind.

There's no such thing as over-sexualization. Everyone has a different idea of what is just fine, tolerable and too much.  What's too much constantly changes and for the most part can't be agreed upon for long by people.

I didn't insinuate. I flat out said that he does have a problem with sexualization in games. It was the focal point of the entire op over the other issues he had with the game. 

ToraTiger said:
Aeolus451 said:

Don't video game series evolve or change over time? Perhaps, the owners of the IP are trying to give it more appeal to a broader group of gamers. I don't know but it's obvious that they're playing around with going with a less modest character design and that may become the norm for the series. 

I get the point. The OP is hung up over seeing video game characters in skimpy clothes when the series was not normally like it and he's complaining about it. He has issues with the characters being sexualized and not so much with any other aspect of the game. If that wasn't the case then this thread wouldn't be here with all the pics to empathize his problem with it.

The OP has more problem than just that, but this stark overnight change in art and direction.  I can post a bunch of problems I had with Awakening (Which I state in the OP but don't clarify all  the details)

If you want all my complaints about the game and not just the art, setting, direction, story, ect here.


 The story is awful, the characters are flat, Pair Up breaks the game, the maps are repetitive, there's way too much pointless sexualization, the soundtrack really isn't that good, the DLC (other than Future Past, I've heard) is bad, some of the new official localizations we got are dumb (if you're going to make a point of removing Thracia's references, actually do it instead of half-assing it), the difficulty is either the new dumb fake stuff we're getting now or is just nonexistent, the world is horribly developed, the main protagonists and villains are a special brand of unacceptably awful horrendous terrible quality...

I mean, the gameplay follows the basic FE formula, so there's fun to be had, but all this game has over the other FE games are little streamlining bits - which partially are only helpful because of this game's faults. I shouldn't want to skip enemy phase because I should care what happens on enemy phase. Automatic restocking and such are nice additions, though. The interface is pretty solid, too. Way better than the SNES one.             

 Thanks for going into more detail on that.