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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SOE Boss Says, No, PC Gaming is Not Dead...

Just goes to show that lower market share does not mean failing or dying.

Console market share is growing at an insane rate, but PC gaming is still pulling in cash.

It's just like the fact that PSP sells fewer units than DS does not make PSP a failure, or that HD-DVD was a failure just because...  oh, wait, HD-DVD was a failure.  ;) 

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Maybe traditional games and the retail pc business are dying. I myself play 3-4hrs a day on the pc, just casual flash games (and a number are much better than console games i might add). Digital downloads are rising and I bet anyone with acess to a pc plays flash games at some point.



consoles arent killing pc gaming if anything is it is people illegally downloading
pc games


psn ID: smiles123



MGS4 is the greatest game ever


It depends on whether you're looking at what PC gaming is or what PC gaming used to be ...

At one point in time, developers could count on "every" PC gamer to upgrade their hardware every 12 months and buy every PoS FPS game that had a shiny new graphics engine. This is (obviously) not the way things are anymore, and more and more people are looking for highly social (MMO) games with fairly modest hardware requirements ...

PC gaming is dyign about as much as people's love for music. Just because the consumer no longer wants to buy an overpriced box from a store that's a bit too far away to be convenient doesn't mean they are done playing games on PC. Now they pay monthly subscriptions or do microtransactions rather than buying the game (or in addition to it), or they can download the game as a legal purchase. All things others have mentioned, I'm sure, but plenty of reason why PC gaming isn't dying any more than music. It's just companies that refuse to adapt to our changing social climate that are dying.

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starcraft 2 should revive PC gaming like goku in freiza's chamber

Squrriel, I don't know who your friends are, but I've never known anyone that upgraded their PCs that frequently. Even the ones that came close didn't buy top of the line stuff from the start, and were always a year behind the best after upgrading. Then again, I also don't think there were all that many people that would buy every last FPS, either. You're generalizing too much and using more hyperbole than necessary.

You do not have the right to never be offended.