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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who won the E3? THE VGCHARTZ-VOTE Thread - You decide!


Who won the E3 ? @ All VGChartz User

The PlayStation 4 (Sony) 1,279 68.03%
The Xbox1 (MS) 279 14.84%
nintendo digital event 105 5.59%
see results 217 11.54%
yvanjean said:
Hynad said:

They announced that The Last Guardian is releasing in 2016. So what's the problem? Empty complaint at best.

Shenmue isn't fully funded by Sony for the simple reason that it isn't their IP. Yu Suzuki got permission from Sega to use the IP and was looking for a way to fund the game. Sony wanted to make sure the demand for the game wasn't just from the emotional vocal internet dwellers. A kickstarter is a really good way to gauge interest. People actually have to put money where their mouth is. Now tell me why it's bad in any way? Why is it bad that there's a kickstarter to, well, kick start the project? People who give money for it are basically pre-ordering the game. They're not giving money for nothing. You get what you paid for (a very limited edition copy of the game) when you give money on a kickstarter. So again, what's bad about any of this? 

Morpheus will be showcased when there's more content for it actually ready to be shown. The thing doesn't yet have a release date. Does Hololens have any? No. So what's the big deal here? When Morpheus will be ready to take a more center stage at a conference, it will. Until then, Sony is giving bits about it to make sure we know it exist and is still in development. 

Then the conference had more than that, but you are conveniently selective so far.

If last guardian need to be delayed it won't make 2016. Do you really think that game will make it in 2016? Maybe... Doesn't look like a well polished game to me. This game is from TEAM ICO .... the developpers of ICO and Shadow of Collossus. Just seem to me like everyone putting the game on the same footing has Horizon and Uncharted 4. IMO the game not a conference starter and doesn't deserve all the attention.  

The news of the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter is being threated like if Shenmue 3 was exclusive to PS4, a demo and release date was shown. I actually like Shenmue and will play it on PC. 

At the end of the Horizon demo they showed the game on the all the screen of the Sony theatre and I though to myself HOLY SH*T that's morpheus. Morpheus was not shown at all at the conference. If anything they seem to try to distance themselve from Morpheus. At least include somthing like this at the Sony conference.

What was the big moment of the sony press conference:

Last guardian
Street Fighter V
No man Sky
Destiny Expension
FF7 Remake
Shenmue 3 kick starter
Internet TV station?
Assassin Creed 
Batman: Arkham Knight
Project Morpheus
Star wars (Disney Inginity & Battlefront)
COD new home on PS4
Uncharted 4

The highlights IMO is Horizon, FF7 Remake & Uncharted 4. Sony kept trolling with their big Star wars partnership kept thinking they would announce an exclusive game to PS4.  

Compared to Microsoft conference highlights where they had Backward compability (din't see that coming), mods coming to Fallout 4 big announcement (I don't care if it's exclusive to Xbox one and added bonus of Fall out 3 for free), new elite controler (surprising after previously announce new Xbox one controller with 3.5 MM jack), Recore new IP, Rare Replay and new IP Sea of Thieves, Gears 4, I'm actually excited about Halo 5 and Rise of Tomb raiders that are coming this year (both had a good showing). 

Basically, you're a XBox guy and don't care about what goes on on Sony's side. That's fine. At this point, going into these threads just to downplay Sony and their their conference the way you do is predictable and hold no credibility whatsoever. So I question your motivation here. With wording such as yours (Sony is trolling, they're screwing their fans, etc...), it is pretty obvious where you stand, and where your partiality lies.

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Hynad said:

Basically, you're a XBox guy and don't care about what goes on on Sony's side. That's fine. At this point, going into Sony's threads just to downplay their conference the way you do is predictable and hold no credibility whatsoever. So I question your motivation here.

Wow am I in a Sony thread????? I though this was gaming thread and we focus on games not Sony?


Sorry my bad

yvanjean said:
Hynad said:

Basically, you're a XBox guy and don't care about what goes on on Sony's side. That's fine. At this point, going into these threads just to downplay Sony's conference the way you do is predictable and hold no credibility whatsoever. So I question your motivation here.

Wow am I in a Sony thread????? I though this was gaming thread and we focus on games not Sony?


Sorry my bad

I edited my comment. I was going from your history on VGC, having gone through a few of your past comments, that's basically what came away from it. You even admit to being an XBox guy. So, why should anyone be surprised that you're not going to praise Sony over Microsoft? You can enjoy Microsoft's conference as much as you want. But you can do it without downplaying and making such baseless comments about the competition. 

yvanjean said:
Hynad said:

Basically, you're a XBox guy and don't care about what goes on on Sony's side. That's fine. At this point, going into Sony's threads just to downplay their conference the way you do is predictable and hold no credibility whatsoever. So I question your motivation here.

Wow am I in a Sony thread????? I though this was gaming thread and we focus on games not Sony?


Sorry my bad

Did you see the poll results? I kid I kid

That's obviously Nintendo wins, man, what a great digital event they got !

More seriously, I still don't know. I think Sony has won, but not the PS4.

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I'm sure it's not dead enough. Let's beat it some more.

Sony, not even a contest for me

Sony hands down won. Also I would like to add to those discrediting FF7 due to potentially coming to X1, people want this game like bad, they will not wait when it releases they will buy PS4s to play. TR is no where near the same most people will gladly wait for it to release latter they do have U4 after all.

Games I want from E3
Ratchet and clank
FF Worlds
Uncharted 4

Compared to Microsoft conference highlights where they had Backward compability (din't see that coming), mods coming to Fallout 4 big announcement (I don't care if it's exclusive to Xbox one and added bonus of Fall out 3 for free), new elite controler (surprising after previously announce new Xbox one controller with 3.5 MM jack), Recore new IP, Rare Replay and new IP Sea of Thieves, Gears 4, I'm actually excited about Halo 5 and Rise of Tomb raiders that are coming this year (both had a good showing).

But what you are saying is highly subjective.

Note Fallout Mods are coming to PS4... not really that amazing news.
Backward compatibility - this was a crowd pleaser, but it's not a new game, it's old games.
Rare Replay - a collection of old rare game - not even remasters..
Sea of thieves - doesn't look that great and is going to fail and i don't know why thats the best rare could come up with - a multiplayer game...gah
Gears 4... didnt look that great, shown too early
Halo 5 - Not particularly exciting gameplay - multiplayer looked stale in comparison to Doom and Battlefront
Tomb Raider - presentation was quite poor - didnt show any evolution from the previous entry, looks like the same game
Elite controller - errrm ok, £90 odd quid for another controller, very limited appeal.. ok yeah thats exciting gaming news...
CGI Trailers with no gameplay (again)

This is why i thought MS's show was poor. I mean they spent so long on hololens a product that is going to do nothing in the world of games.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Madword said:
Compared to Microsoft conference highlights where they had Backward compability (din't see that coming), mods coming to Fallout 4 big announcement (I don't care if it's exclusive to Xbox one and added bonus of Fall out 3 for free), new elite controler (surprising after previously announce new Xbox one controller with 3.5 MM jack), Recore new IP, Rare Replay and new IP Sea of Thieves, Gears 4, I'm actually excited about Halo 5 and Rise of Tomb raiders that are coming this year (both had a good showing).

But what you are saying is highly subjective.

Note Fallout Mods are coming to PS4... not really that amazing news.
Backward compatibility - this was a crowd pleaser, but it's not a new game, it's old games.
Rare Replay - a collection of old rare game - not even remasters..
Sea of thieves - doesn't look that great and is going to fail and i don't know why thats the best rare could come up with - a multiplayer game...gah
Gears 4... didnt look that great, shown too early
Halo 5 - Not particularly exciting gameplay - multiplayer looked stale in comparison to Doom and Battlefront
Tomb Raider - presentation was quite poor - didnt show any evolution from the previous entry, looks like the same game
Elite controller - errrm ok, £90 odd quid for another controller, very limited appeal.. ok yeah thats exciting gaming news...
CGI Trailers with no gameplay (again)

This is why i thought MS's show was poor. I mean they spent so long on hololens a product that is going to do nothing in the world of games.

You're basically doing the same as him.... -___-