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Forums - Sales Discussion - The official NPD February 2008 thread

Look up the user name sharky dude. he went on a spamming trolling cursing spree last night

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Didn't Target have a $99 sale on PS2? That probably accounts for a lot of it's bump.

Vgchartz numbers wrong again, the usual. Any generic prediction would be at least as accurate as vgchartz.

That'll probably get me banned but oh well, just the truth.

superchunk said:
PooperScooper said:

 Why? he didn't say anything negative about the Wii.

What? I reported him.



Those PS3 and 360 numbers for DMC in the US are closer than I thought they'd be, considering the install base advantage.

sharky3 said:
Didn't Target have a $99 sale on PS2? That probably accounts for a lot of it's bump.

Vgchartz numbers wrong again, the usual. Any generic prediction would be at least as accurate as vgchartz.

That'll probably get me banned but oh well, just the truth.


First of all, NPD just PREDICTS.  Just like VGC.  These are not numbers from Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony.  Keep in mind we track all of NA, not just USA.  You are massively uninformed and extremely pessimistic.  If you do not enjoy the website or the numbers we produce, please do us all a favor and leave.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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ioi said:
Look at those DS numbers! Undertracked in Jan, anyone?

 I don't get it?

[maybe i'm slow]

Software numbers look pretty good.

ioi said:
Look at those DS numbers! Undertracked in Jan, anyone?


Absolutely insane for February.  Amazing software sales too! Nice job, ioi.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

Digg VGChartz!

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360 DEVIL MAY CRY 4* CAPCOM USA 8-Feb 295.2K 2

Closer than I expected, nice!

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Hey wheres that douchebag who said PS3 fans were in denial and the PS3 was getting dominated in NA?