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Forums - Sales Discussion - The official NPD February 2008 thread

leo-j said:
DS 584,153
Wii 561,332
Xbox 355,921
PS3 338,493
PS2 273,933
PSP 265,475

PS3 overtracked by more than 50k
Wii overtracked by about 130k
Xbox over tracked by 100k
PS2 undertracked by 80k
PSP almost spot on
DS Amazingly spot on.

 Oh damn...  why did you do this leo-j.

*Puts ear to ground*

They're coming, RUN!

Around the Network

So we are VERY accurate this month yet again...


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Very good PS2 sales! And some said the PS2 was already a dead horse last year?

Nice to see the January trend of the PS3 outselling the 360 even in North America continues, over 10% more instead of less.

Very encouraging considering that this is taking place before the storm of PS3 high profilers. 8-)

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Wow @ PS2 numbers. Just wow.

Looking at 360 numbers i still can't believe it. How are they gonna spin it?? I predict 360 will take march however.

Around the Network

Either way, PS3 demand> 360 demand confirmed


. Oh man oh man.

PS3 outsold 360 by less than last month. Last month it was 269-230 +39k. This month 280-254 +26k.

That was with 360 completely out of stock 3 out of 4 week of Febuary.

Looks like March 360 will easily be back in the lead. And since there were no shortages (say PS3 fanboys) I guess it's just overtaking the PS3 in popularity. Of course the real reason will be that in March the shortages appear over (assuming stock holds out the 2nd half of the month here).

Auron said:
Looking at 360 numbers i still can't believe it. How are they gonna spin it?? I predict 360 will take march however.

 You do realize that both NPD and VGChartz has one beating the other by about 10%, meaning that they are really statistically tied. 


PooperScooper said:

 Why? he didn't say anything negative about the Wii.