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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Starfox Zero's graphics are bad

Einsam_Delphin said:
curl-6 said:

I can't find where he said this, (unless he edited) but yeah, Wii games aren't in 720p and don't have programmable pixel shaders.

It's last gen roots are still evident in the final build via some blocky geometry and low res textures, but the overall visuals are certainly not Wii caliber. 

I didn't say it, he's just proving he's an unreasonable fool I should stop wasting my time with.

You've  been basically telling me that I'm not allowed to make assumptions based on things that I haven't seen with my own eyeballs or have been told directly. Isn't that what an assumption is? Not once have I said that I'm right about anything, that anyone else is wrong, or pretended to have more knowledge about Star Fox Zero than anyone else. But hey, if not being able to convince me to think like you really grinds your gears like that, you can cut this debate off anytime you would like to.

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curl-6 said:

Yeah, it would be unlike Nintendo to release a game with that level of graphical inconsistency.

Exactly. Nintendo's studios have released some ugly and unimpressive games before, but I can't think of any that have had extremes from a technical standpoint, where the same game can look like two different projects copy-pasted together.

burninmylight said:

So are you still convinced the Corneria level (the one you call a 2006 game) won't be touched up at all, as if the footage you saw in the Digital Event is what the stage will look like when the game is shipped out to retail?

They can improve the textures, but it's likely that they are showing all that the engine can do in this point. As I said, I don't see the point in showing a game with 2002-06 visuals in E3, get a lot of bad PR and bad previews, just to deliver a next-gen looking game 1 year latter. Despite that, we can't count with a lot of improvements in a year timespan (most likely release date), so we won't get nothing much better than that.

But.. they AREN'T bad.

torok said:

They can improve the textures, but it's likely that they are showing all that the engine can do in this point. As I said, I don't see the point in showing a game with 2002-06 visuals in E3, get a lot of bad PR and bad previews, just to deliver a next-gen looking game 1 year latter. Despite that, we can't count with a lot of improvements in a year timespan (most likely release date), so we won't get nothing much better than that.

A year later? This game is releasing in 5 months.

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justiceiro said:
a game that only got 1 year of development + a developer that don't do the best job in improve performance in their games is forced in making a game runs at 60 fps. the result is what we saw. Really wish this game get delayed in at least 8 months so we can get something beatifull

Yep, they should have delayed at least another year to polish it.

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Einsam_Delphin said:

A year later? This game is releasing in 5 months.

What? Is it confirmed? So I change my statement. The game will release as it is. It will go gold in 3-4 months, it's on the final testing stages. Only fixes will enter now.

torok said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

A year later? This game is releasing in 5 months.

What? Is it confirmed? So I change my statement. The game will release as it is. It will go gold in 3-4 months, it's on the final testing stages. Only fixes will enter now.

We don't have a firm release date (lol, that's the first thing that I asked you, remember?). We only have Q4 2015. It's probably going to be the Black Friday game.

OH WAIT, I'm not supposed to be make calculated speculation unless I have firm, hard-baked proof. But if I had that, then I wouldn't be speculating. So I'm not ever supposed to make assumptions about anything. Apparently, Delphin knows the exact day this game will release, and he won't tell me. :(

burninmylight said:

We don't have a firm release date (lol, that's the first thing that I asked you, remember?). We only have Q4 2015. It's probably going to be the Black Friday game.

OH WAIT, I'm not supposed to be make calculated speculation unless I have firm, hard-baked proof. But if I had that, then I wouldn't be speculating. So I'm not ever supposed to make assumptions about anything. Apparently, Delphin knows the exact day this game will release, and he won't tell me. :(

Either way, it's not enough time to change the game substantially. If it's 2015, then they are on testing and bug-fixes. For next year, they can tune it a bit. But what we saw is what we'll get.

Anyway, I wouldn't be so confident in a 2015 date, specially with all the recent delays.

torok said:
burninmylight said:

We don't have a firm release date (lol, that's the first thing that I asked you, remember?). We only have Q4 2015. It's probably going to be the Black Friday game.

OH WAIT, I'm not supposed to be make calculated speculation unless I have firm, hard-baked proof. But if I had that, then I wouldn't be speculating. So I'm not ever supposed to make assumptions about anything. Apparently, Delphin knows the exact day this game will release, and he won't tell me. :(

Either way, it's not enough time to change the game substantially. If it's 2015, then they are on testing and bug-fixes. For next year, they can tune it a bit. But what we saw is what we'll get.

Anyway, I wouldn't be so confident in a 2015 date, specially with all the recent delays.

Indeed,  it's too late to change the game substantially at this point if it were to release by the holidays. However, I'm also not at all sure that it will stay that way. I would be more surprised if it were not delayed; this is Nintendo we're talking about. I just think that some of the footage from the Digital Event was from an old build that only a few journalists and insiders got to see from E3 last year.

It's nice to finally agree on a few things.