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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA E3 Conference 2015 - Started


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Battlefront looks good but what about galactic conquest and space battles?

That was magnificent, I was bit skeptical, but SW: Battlefront seems amazing.

I wonder about the balancing though; doesn't look like much fun for those stormtroopers going up against Skywalker. He killed like six of them in a matter of seconds and didn't even take any damage.
Still, this is looking fantastic, DICE have a lot of experience from the the amazing Battlefield series.

I've never really been a Star Wars fan (Star Trek fan for lyfe!!!!), but that trailer was EPIC!!!! Wow... that was amazing to watch. Top notch gameplay trailer right there

           Survivor Millennial vs Gen X!!

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3/Pele for me.

Mirror's Edge and NHL are the only things I care about.">"><img src="

Worst conference so far? I think so.

Aeolus451 said:
Worst conference so far? I think so.

Yup, total shit except for Battlefront.

Battlefront looks great, practically everything else was shit. I missed the first 15 minutes though so I didn't see Mass Effect.

So far we've got Microsoft > Bethesda >>> EA. Consider each ">" an order of magnitude.

I had 0 interest on Battlefront and now I´m sold.

Terrible conference, boring, lame, out of place but with a great ending. 3.5/10 (it would be 2/10 without the end)