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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nikkei: Nintendo NX to use Android OS

NightDragon83 said:
Because Droid does what Nintendon't!

You owe Sega money! Now either pay them $1000000 or buy Sonic Boom. The choice is yours.

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Interesting. An Android OS would fit very well with the Fusion idea, but wouldn't that make the systems easily hackable?

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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twintail said:
Burek said:
This article is members only...
Can you please provide the summary.

Basically a 'source' has said that the NX will run Android, as a means to allow for many developers to develop for the hardware.


Ie. its a a rumour, not confirmed info.

As far as I can understand this rumor, I don't see how this can help Nintendo solve 3rd party problem.

They are basically trading console games for mobile phone f2p showelware. And why would then someone choose to buy NX instead of a tablet is a mystery to me?

Ouya failed at $99, I don't see this strategy succeeding.

(Of course, maybe I'm missing a bigger picture. Data is very incomplete at this point)

Burek said:
twintail said:
Burek said:
This article is members only...
Can you please provide the summary.

Basically a 'source' has said that the NX will run Android, as a means to allow for many developers to develop for the hardware.


Ie. its a a rumour, not confirmed info.

As far as I can understand this rumor, I don't see how this can help Nintendo solve 3rd party problem.

They are basically trading console games for mobile phone f2p showelware. And why would then someone choose to buy NX instead of a tablet is a mystery to me?

Ouya failed at $99, I don't see this strategy succeeding.

(Of course, maybe I'm missing a bigger picture. Data is very incomplete at this point)

For their handheld? I don't see getting third party on their handheld as much of a problem.....

God no Nintendo please don't start with your weird experiments.

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Could be very smart.

A Nintendo Android tablet won't beat the iPad ... but it could beat out a lot of Android tablets, because if you're going to drop $250-$300+ on a tablet, why not get the one that also plays regular Nintendo games too.

It could also justify a higher price point on a handheld ... no one's paying $250 for a 3DS, OK, but that was because it was just a "game handheld" (read: a toy). If it has Android OS and more important all the Android apps ... that would be a value proposition that would be a game changer. That would be a device you could use for a lot more than just playing Mario. 

Still we don't know enough to really make concrete conclusions here. Nikkei is usually right, but they could be misinformed.

Please don't be true, please don't be true, please don't be true (1000000000x).

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

So NX would actually be Nintendo's custom device for mobile games? Megaton of true

$300-ish Nintendo NX Tablet

- High specs
- Runs Android OS
(so can play movies, Facebook, Twitter, music, blah, blah, blah)
- Physical controls for "real games"

Yeah ... I can see it.

If true, is this good or bad? does it mean that the NX will be flooded with mobile games?