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for me personally it goes b>ms>sony>>>ubi>>>>>>ea

sony had alot of games but only one exclusive that i may want to play everything else is coming somewhere else

but i already know how sites and fans are going to say sony>>>>>b>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ubi>>>>>>>>>>>ea>>>>>>>>>>>>>ms

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The games I want to play are either Multiplat or on Xbox but Sony has one hell of a conference for it's fans.

EspadaGrim said:
Zappykins said:
EspadaGrim said:
Looks like Sony won E3 I knew that they would.

Really?  Cause a sweatly looking dog/bird is fun?

Personally i dont care about TLG but all these exclusive deals are big news and will generate a lot of attention in the media and among the gaming community. Sony won Hands down they put their money where their mouth is.

Sure, I guess some people are excited, but just looked like an overly long scene from Zelda with a sweaty thing.  And those ever convenient save that just happen to happen.

I thought Horizon looked cool, even if it is a little silly - roaring robots that act like half blind t-rexes.   I can see it’s a stylistic choice to predator-ification of robots.  It works

I hated the music of Hitman.  The game might be good, but that relentless drumming forced me to mute my speakers.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

You'll think I'm strange but aside from Halo 5 I realy wanted to know more about Quantum Break and Mass Effect 4. QB will be at Gamescom and ME4 showed close to nothing. Fallout 4 looks nice, didn't see much of Forza either. It's like they got muted.

I'd say the most impressive graphics for this E3 belonged to Star Wars Battlefront
The most interesting was Fallout 4
Best surprise was backward compability
Most impressive tech was Hololens Minecraft
Best Multi will be either SWBF or Halo 5

Overall this E3 was kind of a let down imo.

Wow, that Sony conference was excellent. Some of their games like TLG and FF don't interest me, but they delivered. They did everything right whereas MS just told us things we already knew. 2015 will be the better year for Xbox, but so far, based on Xbox's line up, Sony's games are significantly better in 2016.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Am I mistaken or did Sony just "win" without adding anything to there hallow and empty holiday.i don't think their 2016 and beyond stuff was that great either. Shenumue or whatever is a kickstarter that's years away. Ff7 is coming to X1. And the last guardian is supposedly next year but we will see about that. Gg has a stunner by the looks of it but their last 2 killzone games show how capable they are with story and gameplay.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

Thread Looks great. What a great day, Hawks win and E3 kicked ass.

MoHasanie said:
Wow, that Sony conference was excellent. Some of their games like TLG and FF don't interest me, but they delivered. They did everything right whereas MS just told us things we already knew. 2015 will be the better year for Xbox, but so far, based on Xbox's line up, Sony's games are significantly better in 2016.

Yes but xbox held back Phantom break, Some rare games, Crack Down, Quantum break Etc.. and I'm sure more. I'm glad they split it up, it will create buzz going into the fall season.

Lol people never learn. Ms like last year mainly focused on the now. Announced backwards combatibility for this year, game preview(early access) starting now, rare collection this year, gears beta now and release this year, showed off all their 2015 titles.

Sony last year showed basically nothing for 2014 but a bunch of "2015" games that were actually 2016 and 2017 games. This year all they did was show a bunch of stuff that are "2016" games. They had nothing for this year showing nothing new for 2015, and I don't recall a single game that's releasing this year besides no mans sky. It was basically like here's a bunch of games that will be out in 1-3 years. And they won?

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

hudsoniscool said:

Am I mistaken or did Sony just "win" without adding anything to there hallow and empty holiday.i don't think their 2016 and beyond stuff was that great either. Shenumue or whatever is a kickstarter that's years away. Ff7 is coming to X1. And the last guardian is supposedly next year but we will see about that. Gg has a stunner by the looks of it but their last 2 killzone games show how capable they are with story and gameplay.

Well, you're right that 2015 looks bad, but 2016 is packed with exclusives. Plus their conference was much more entertaining than MS's. And not only were the exclusives they showed better, but their third party partnerships are better too - COD, AC, and Battlefront. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54