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Lol i think you guys need to get urs checked.

Around the Network

Yeah what Azerth said, I'm pretty sure Goatseye got it and was just extending that ironic tweet with his post so that he fooled you^^

You guys are in denial, you all need your sarcasm detection check

Proud to be a Californian.

Yay, that tweet is getting me excited now!


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

So.. the ¨insider¨ is gone huh?

Around the Network

People are excited...

GamechaserBE said:

People are excited...

These Phil Spencer gifs are so awesome!

Proud to be a Californian.

Hahahahaha the Philminator, epic :D

Best games so far:
1. Witcher 3
2. Dragon Age Inquisition
3. Alien Isolation
4. Forza Horizon 2
5. Titanfall

Most disappointing so far:
1. Destiny
2. Watch Dogs
3. Battlefield 4
4. MCC
5. Shadow of Mordor