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EspadaGrim said:

MS needs to make an Exclusive MMO for Xbox One that uses cloud computing that way they can get around the Always online that seems to bother a lot of people. Also I'm happy to see Crackdown getting big praise.

I would love a port of SW ToR too

Around the Network

Was going to post this last night but had to rush of to work. Been playing Jet Force Gemini on Rare Replay and was having some issues with the old and terribley outdated control scheme... Turns out they patched a modern set up in to the game and while not perfect its a fucking treat to play now. Props to the guys at Rare for fixing one of their most underrated masterpieces, now if only the power didnt go out as I was facing a boss -__-

Also everyone add me, my Gamertag is ktay95
Hate seeing my friends list look so lonely

Does anyone think that Halo 5 being rated T will affect it's sales either positivly or negativly. I think it could have a positive impact on sales, but that would mean a lot more 8-13 year olds in mp.

Also really disappointed that the halo 5 console is 500$. No kinect and a digital game. It should be 400. I was gunna get it to.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

ktay95 said:
Was going to post this last night but had to rush of to work. Been playing Jet Force Gemini on Rare Replay and was having some issues with the old and terribley outdated control scheme... Turns out they patched a modern set up in to the game and while not perfect its a fucking treat to play now. Props to the guys at Rare for fixing one of their most underrated masterpieces, now if only the power didnt go out as I was facing a boss -__-

Also everyone add me, my Gamertag is ktay95
Hate seeing my friends list look so lonely

Wanted to play it but started with conker, I am dying a lot because of the camera and the fecking controls.  Remembers me why I loved the Xbox remake.

shikamaru317 said:
hudsoniscool said:
Does anyone think that Halo 5 being rated T will affect it's sales either positivly or negativly. I think it could have a positive impact on sales, but that would mean a lot more 8-13 year olds in mp.

Also really disappointed that the halo 5 console is 500$. No kinect and a digital game. It should be 400. I was gunna get it to.

I'd rather it be rated M personally. Don't want to feel like stuff has been toned down just to get a T rating.

Doesn't the MCC Limited Edition console include some of the items from the collector's edition? I thought I heard it included the statue and some of the other stuff, the requisition packs I think. If it does include some of the stuff from the collector's edition I feel like the price may be justified.

I think halo 5 being T is more a change of standards. The other games easily could have been. 90% nude cortona probably was the reason it didn't happen before.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

Around the Network

Will 2016 be a bigger year or on par with 2015? It's already gotten started/crazy with Rare Replay. It has begun

2015 is standard, we know the titles that we'll get will be fun
2016 we know Gears but the other titles are incognitos and at the same time generate more hype due to their potential

Mick Gordon won't be the composer of KI season 3. His being replaced by Celldweller and Atlas Plug.

Ka-pi96 said:
MoHasanie said:
Wow, Forza Horizon Fast and Furious has the easiest achievements ever. I got almost all the achievements in less than 2 hours! Everyone should play it if they want to boost their GS.

It's taken you this long to get round to it?

Don't forget you can do it on both 360 and One for 2k GS total

Oh wow, but I won't get it twice. I'm not that big of an achievement whore  


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Oh wow, Halo 5 being twice the length of Halo 4 is great news!


NNID: FrequentFlyer54