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shikamaru317 said:
AsGryffynn said:
I am just happy for FF X and X-2 HD. I never played either game until I bought the Remasters for the Vita, but then the PSV was flooded by Aksys with shite and I had to throw it away with the first game incomplete and the second one untouched. This means I will finally be able to end those two. And I also get to do so while trying out FFXII since everyone loves that one so much...

Still no FFVIII R in sight... :(

There's a rumor it's getting a proper remaster next year for the 20th anniversary. Hopefully it's true, would be nice to get a proper remaster like 10 and 12 got, rather than a simple HD port job like 7 and 9 got. 

It would be cool of FF:8 does get a Remake it's one of the ones i'm interested in the most.

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What are the rumours around the FFVII remake? Is it Sony funded? Otherwise I suspect these releases are a test-bed for the merits of a FFVII port to Xbox One.

I spent the last week playing for the other side with Spiderman - bloody good game. I am really hoping that some of the new projects MS has studios on include strong single-player, narrative-focused titles like it.

Next up I think I will grab Tomb Raider for XB1.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

DeusXmachina said:
flashfire926 said:
Hopefully this bodes well for not just Square support for Xbox, but all-around Japanese support as well.

Really hope Yakuza makes it to Xbox someday.

Japanese support has already greatly improved. I think Xbox One will probably end up having more jrpg's than X360 did.

In terms of JRPGs, maybe yes. But in terms of Japanese games overall, I suppose it won't happen. 360 had a lot of various Japanese games, sometimes niche ones which don't release on Xbox One nowadays because there is no market for it.


derpysquirtle64 said:
DeusXmachina said:

Japanese support has already greatly improved. I think Xbox One will probably end up having more jrpg's than X360 did.

In terms of JRPGs, maybe yes. But in terms of Japanese games overall, I suppose it won't happen. 360 had a lot of various Japanese games, sometimes niche ones which don't release on Xbox One nowadays because there is no market for it.

Yeah, X360 was filled with shoot em ups and other niche games but tbh i was never interested in those games so i don't really care. The only thing that i don't like is all the fighting games skipping Xbox.

Ryuu96 said:

I'll go 89.

Around the Network

Why are people saying Shadow of the Tomb Raider underperformed in the UK compared to Rise? ROTTR release in November which is why it had a better week than Shadow.

Proud to be a Californian.

I will gladly purchase it during a digital sale for $20.00

Do you guys think we'll see a big hardware upgrade in 2020? I think Xbox One X complicated the issue here. Looking at the current price, I only see two options. Either Microsoft is gaining huge profits from it, which is doubtful, or next gen upgrades won't be exciting at all. The lowest I can see Xbox X price at 2020 is $299. Sony and Microsoft will target $399-$499 and the X will force them to go with $499 to be able to make a noticeable difference. What we're going to see is a slightly better GPU and a new CPU.
Unless a company innovate in a controller or something else, it won't feel a new gen at all. I think VR or real 3D is going to be the evolution in video games. Whoever nails it first is going to dominate the market for a good amount of time.

Do you guys think we'll see a big hardware upgrade in 2020? I think Xbox One X complicated the issue here. Looking at the current price, I only see two options. Either Microsoft is gaining huge profits from it, which is doubtful, or next gen upgrades won't be exciting at all. The lowest I can see Xbox X price at 2020 is $299. Sony and Microsoft will target $399-$499 and the X will force them to go with $499 to be able to make a noticeable difference. What we're going to see is a slightly better GPU and a new CPU.
Unless a company innovate in a controller or something else, it won't feel a new gen at all. I think VR or real 3D is going to be the evolution in video games. Whoever nails it first is going to dominate the market for a good amount of time.

I see them doing it one of two ways.

1) Have Xbox One X be forwards compatible with all xbox two games, and make it the base console for the "scarlet" line at $299, while having the brand new tech launch at $499. 

The X would be the lowest common denominator, while scarlet is the premium variant. 

2) Launch a brand new console in the traditional way, $399. Give it a modest gpu upgrade, but a significant upgrade to CPU.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

shikamaru317 said:
darkenergy said:
Why are people saying Shadow of the Tomb Raider underperformed in the UK compared to Rise? ROTTR release in November which is why it had a better week than Shadow.

Apparently Shadow only sold 25% more than Rise, which was XB1 exclusive on release. So with 3 platforms vs 1, it only sold 25% more. Also, Rise released the same day as Fallout 4 and the same month as CoD, 2 Juggernaut franchises, which hurt it's early sales, Shadow released with no AAA competition on XB1 and PC and only Spiderman as competition on PS4. So yeah, it's not a great first week for Shadow, it apparently sold 75% less than Tomb Raider 2013 did it's first week.

It's a shame it didn't sell better, I'm enjoying it so far, more than Rise personally. 

It may be a poor marketing, many people are still unaware that game is released.